Anti-white racism on the rise.

Since nothing else is being played over the internet right now except Covid 24/7 so that reality in the dissolving country just south of our border a hop and step away from Vancouver is missing in action I will post this to try to balance the conversation. RT reports:

“White people in particular” are advised to “decenter” themselves, a nebulous word lifted straight from the Critical Race Theory texts of academics like Robin DiAngelo and Ibram Kendi.
Furthermore, white people are asked to “be mindful of whether your volume, pace, and movements are supporting or undermining your efforts to decenter yourself,” and should any trouble arise, they’re asked to seek out other whites for help, “so that you will not harm BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and People of Color].”
Finally, white people who witness other white people failing to “decenter”themselves appropriately are asked to step in and defuse the situation, “to take the burden off of Black folks and our siblings of color.”
Caucasian visitors down with these rules can enter ‘George Floyd Square’ to check out the murals, and pay their respects to the late Floyd.
The rule sheet, displayed prominently to those arriving at the intersection, was posted to Twitter on Wednesday by conservative reporter Jorge Ventura, and was mocked online. “Do they have separate water fountains and bathrooms for white people too?” one commenter quipped, referencing the segregation of the Jim Crow-era South.

Anti-White racism is practically government approved in Minneapolis, and throughout the nation. The Chauvin conviction, secured by BLM/Antifa thugs intimidating the jurors and approved by the City and praised by Biden and Harris with congratulatory calls to the Floyd family, is only the beginning of the Democrat-engineered slide to anarchy. Biden went out of his way to cancel Trump's cancellation of “Critical Race Theory” indoctrination in all US government department and then extended it to the US military to eliminate “White Supremacy” – a gross insult to the US military ranks almost too twisted to untangle. Now Ibrahim Kendi has practically been anointed as a prophet. Next stop: abolition of law enforcement.

In Minneapolis a policewoman mistakenly shoots instead of tasering a struggling Black petty criminal stopped on an arms violation warrant; she resigns, naively, and is promptly charged with murder. BLM violence increases, who would have thought it? A Black teenager is shot by a cop to prevent her from stabbing another girl, the officer is abused and lied about in all the mainstream media and violence increases. Meanwhile the Minneapolis City Council is denigrating their own police force and appeasing BLM thugs who set up a no-go zone for police and white people, Portland Mayor Wheeler is asking ordinary citizens to help “unmask” Antifa thugs who “want to burn … intimidate”, as Portland police, underfunded and put upon, resign in alarming numbers.

BLM pretends to care about Black Americans. But they are chasing law enforcement out of Black neighbourhoods, befriending and profiting from drug gangsters whose indiscriminate violence is devastating their communities. Now that mayor De Blasio has almost completely succeeded in destroying police protection in NYC's Black and Hispanic neighbourhoods with the great help of his friends in BLM, rapes are up over 300% over 2019, for instance and murder stats are similarly inflated and heading up "with a bullet". Does anybody stop to ask what the Black and Hispanic innocent citizens of NYC think about being stripped of police protection?

Minorities are being commandeered by communist bullies and used to bludgeon and imprison majorities, majorities of all skin colours. Whose bright idea was this? Oh. I know. Parasitic fraudulent academics for the last 40 years of paid anti-social revolution in major universities have sewn the seeds. Now their poison tree is bearing fruit.

Does anybody consider how the ordinary US police officer reacts to this? How about: “Wow. I do my job to protect and serve and you people hang me out to dry. Screw you. I quit.”?

Now who you gonna call? The Army? Who else is left?

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