BNP sponsored plot against Zafar Iqbal: Quader

Awami League general secretary and road transport and labor minister Obaidul Quader said that attack on Professor Muhammad Zafar Iqbal was a "plot". He complained that BNP is patronizing these conspirators. Who brought the incident, who made the incident with the attacker - the matter is already clear.

On Sunday morning, on behalf of the Metropolitan South Awami League, distributing leaflets to Gulistan on the occasion of the rally of Suhrawardy Udyan, Obaidul Quader responded to the question of journalists. Professor Jafar Iqbal was attacked in the attack on Saturday afternoon at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology University campus. A youth named Fayzur Rahman alias Faizul hit him with a sharp weapon.

Obaidul Quader said, "This attack is a plot, it is true. The plot is sponsored by those whom BNP is sponsoring. Who has done the incident, who made the incident with him, the matter is already clear. On this subject, those who create confusion are not working for the interests of the country today. "He also said, 'Those who are behind it are also being identified. He is being interrogated by the attacker who accepted it. In the interrogation, the backpackers will come out. The government will not give any concession in this regard. '

Labor Minister Obaidul Quader said, Professor Zafar Iqbal took the liberation war in everything. He was a soldier of the Liberation War. He further said, 'The attacker has been caught, but this is the cause of concern. We were surprised to hear the assailant's confession.

Awami League General Secretary Kader said, attacking Professor Jafar Iqbal is an indication of the unstable situation of an evil power of the country. In the confessional statement of the attacker, the attacker represents whom he himself has said, Zafar Iqbal anti-Islam. Who said, 'But I do not know that Zafar Iqbal has played any anti-Islamic role. Even I do not think anyone knows the country. '

Obaidul Quader said, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is concerned about Professor Jafar Iqbal and he is overseeing his treatment. He also said that he has talked with the Home Minister. The people involved in this attack will be brought under the law. Not only is the attacker caught, nor is it an evil power behind. He also talked to the Home Minister about finding any kind of misbehavior about finding them under law.

Minister Obaidul Quader said, many incidents have happened before that, which have created communal forces. Today, once again, communal forces, militant groups attack Zafar Iqbal, informing them that they are preparing for more attacks in the Dalits. They were weak but not inactive. He said that they are now active in the underground and sometimes they are spreading violent clutches. By making this incident, they may be telling, they are preparing for a more serious attack. Therefore, the meeting of March 7 is very important in this situation.

In response to one question, Obaidul Quader said the government is not playing the role of silent spectators. The government is not inactive, doing the duties properly.

Awami League organizing secretary Enamul Haque Shamim, office secretary Abdus Sobhan Golap, general secretary of Metropolitan South Awami League Shah Alam Murad were also present on the occasion.

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