How to Apply Minimalism to Different Aspects of Your Life

Hello my lovely Steemians,

In my earlier post, I talked a little about how amazing minimalism is and how practicing it can infuse happiness, peace and meaning in each and every aspect of your life. Today, I’ll elaborate more on the topic and explain a few ways to bring in minimalism in your life for real.

Minimalism Adds Value to Your Life

Whether you bring it into your work life, relationships, house, workplace, personal life or thoughts, it liberates you and makes your life all the more meaningful, empowered and valuable. How? Well, when you keep only the stuff that you like, use and learn from in your house, you’ll always feel happy looking at and using that stuff. You won’t feel the same if you a have a house full of clutter. If you own about 4 chairs but use only 2, you are cluttering your house for no reason. If you get rid of the 2 pointless chairs, your room will suddenly seem more spacious and even meaningful to you.

Similarly, when you get rid of the extra stuff, accessories, clothes and times lying in your wardrobe, you cleanse it of all the meaningless stuff and keep only stuff that you really use.

Things improve for the better when you bring minimalism to your thinking pattern, relationships, activities, profession and general way of life. When you spend time with positive, inspirational people and steer clear of the ones who sabotage your self-esteem and confidence, your emotional well-being automatically improves. Likewise, when you clear your mind of unwanted and unhealthy thoughts and ideas and life of all the activities you do just to please others or for ulterior motives and focus on those that you enjoy from within, your life becomes blissful.

That being said, let me tell you a few ways you can slowly bring minimalism into the different aspects of your life.

Minimalism in Clothes/ Furniture/ Gadgets/ Toys/ Books/ Utensils

minimalism in goods you purchase
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To incorporate minimalism to your wardrobe, shoes, accessories, toys, books, Cd’s, utensils, furniture items and every tangible object you own, pay attention to the following:

  • Keep only stuff that you really like, stuff that looks good on you in terms of shoes, clothes, accessories and stuff that inspires you in any way and all the things that remind you of your good memories. A picture frame given to you by your late grandma is a better keepsake than a wall art that means nothing to you.

  • Get rid of anything that’s in bad shape and doesn’t bring value to you.

  • Discard stuff that’s broken and useless.

  • Also get rid of stuff that you don’t like anymore or haven’t used in ages. If you have been keeping a dress for the past 3 years so you could use it when you lose weight but haven’t used it ever, chances are you won’t ever use it.

You can donate, throw or sell all the items you decide not to keep. Selling them on Amazon or E-bay is a good way of making some extra money.

Minimalism in Profession and Activities

One quite simple and extremely effective way of incorporating minimalism into your profession is to stop bringing your work home. When you bring your work home, you do nothing but burden yourself and mix your personal and professional lives. Start leaving your work at your workplace when your work hours end. Bring stuff home only when there’s a dire need. If you are your own boss and run your own business, set certain work hours and don’t work for long unless you’re really pressed for a certain project.

Moreover, burden yourself not more than you can handle. Obviously, it’s good to strive for excellence and work really hard if that’s your aim and if it brings you happiness, but if that’s what you aren’t focused on, do only as much work as you need.

As for activities, start focusing more on activities and hobbies you really enjoy and like. If you don’t like playing badminton with a colleague and do it for a certain ulterior motive only, slowly distance yourself from that activity. With time, add all those activities to your life that you really enjoy.

Minimalism in Relationships

minimalism in relationships
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Minimalism in relationships and social life refers to keeping yourself away from people who lower your self-esteem, push you down and don’t inspire you to focus on your goals and actualize them. I was once friends with a person who did nothing but constantly remind me of my past mistakes and failures. Since he was in the HR department of the firm I worked in, I didn’t cut off ties with him. However, after being more aware of minimalism, I learned the importance of cutting out toxic people from your life. I did exactly that: distanced myself from that guy and the results were really nice. I started feeling more confident of myself and focused more on my strengths than my mistakes.

If you want to be happier in life, bring in minimalism in your relationships too.

Minimalism in Beliefs, Ideas and Thoughts

positive thinking
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Minimalism is all about de-cluttering your life of the meaningless and not useful stuff. Bringing it into your thoughts and beliefs means you analyze all your beliefs, ideologies and thoughts and slowly get rid of the ones that make you recall your painful past, those that make you limit your potential and all those that keep you from moving forward.Instead, you nurture beliefs and ideologies that help you grow and become better.

These are just a few ways of incorporating minimalism into your life. Try them and do keep record of how these strategies work for you. I’m sure they’ll do wonders for you.

Thank you for reading the post and do upvote it if it helped you in any way. Lots of love!

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