Mini robot dog

We’re not even into the territory where robot dogs bore us, when already we’re struck by this new model — the Spot Mini. Boston Dynamics regularly wows us with its work creating what is very well the future of our robotic dreams. Weird robot men who can follow us around and who we can also tip over because it is extremely funny. Now, Boston Dynamics teases us with its latest reveal. A robot dog who is… smaller than the average robot dog! Ooo!

They’re beautiful little creatures, aren’t they, these robot dogs. Truly they consider themselves to be… the human’s best friend. The description on the video is coy. “For more information . . . stay tuned.” Will I be able to take one of those ridiculous cuties home? Feed him robot bones? Clean up his robot poop? Who knows. But stay tuned — for now here is… the Spot .Also, want more fun stories about robots? Of course you do, everyone does. Check out this insane video of the World’s Biggest Robot Dance, you’ll probably love it I think.spotminirobotdog.jpg

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