Turning adversity into triumph

Lots of us experience adversity in life. It’s the nature of life. Nobody escapes it.
But it’s how we deal with it that defines us.
Will we let it break us or will we let it make us?

It’s all in the perspective we choose to take. And yes, we have choice in how we wish to view our life.

It is difficult. I’m not saying it flippantly.

It takes courage and grit to not slip into victimhood.

One of the best questions to ask ourself is:
What is this teaching me?

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Perhaps it’s letting go of an old relationship, or taking a stand for your rights or refusing to bow down to someone’s view of how you ‘should’ live your life or taking harsh criticism on the chin (nothing is ever personal, right?).

Sometimes we’re enrolled in the Ph.D level in the university of life. And we have to flow with the punches, because we don’t have any other choice.

If we are willing, we can come out the other side far stronger than we went in.

It’s an opportunity to access inner strength that we would otherwise have never known was within us. It’s the pressure on the rock, that turns it into a diamond.

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