ENG-6. Why did you do it? Because ... - That is the motivation.

If the number of logical arguments “against” exceeds the number of weighty arguments “for” - this does not mean that we must surrender.

The expression "delve into yourself" is always alarming. Experienced psychologists try to avoid such a sharp phrase and prefer to offer a softer form of analysis - “look inside yourself”. Therefore, just “take a look”.


The human brain (and inhuman) is a form of biological computer. A computer, as we know, is a device operating on the basis of logical functions. As a result, in order to reach the brain, it is most effective not to operate with clever terms and results of research, but simply to spread out knowledge at the level of logic.

So, motivation. (There should have been information about the origin of the word, etymology and semantic load, but who needs it at all?). Better immediately example.

Now you lie quietly on the couch and push your thumb across the screen of the smartphone. And half an hour ago, you drank 2 glasses of water. Maybe even 3. Thirst, nothing can be done. You already want the toilet. But so far tolerated.

Half an hour passes. Facebook feed does not end there, photos on Instagram are one more beautiful than the other. Physiological need already strongly recommends to rise from the couch. But for now it is still bearable.

It takes another half hour. Concentrating on social networks is becoming increasingly difficult; you are no longer just lying on the couch, but periodically twitching with your foot. Everything, to do nothing in such a state is simply impossible! It's time to act.

Sprint. The physiological need is met. You again lie quietly on the couch and push your thumb across the screen of the smartphone.

What was it? Why did you get up? Did you have to? Need to? There was a reason enough reason why you had to perform an action? Why did you get up? Because ... That is the motivation.

Rational, logical, weighty argument, the answer to the question Why? Yes, motivation is only a rational, logical, weighty answer to the question Why?. Why do you personally need to do this? Everything.

It follows: I lack motivation = I do not have enough understanding why I need to do this; I have little motivation = I have few arguments in favor of why I need to do this; I have no motivation = I have no or not enough reasons why I need to do this.

And then many will think: wow-wow, but what about motivational trainings, books, videos on YouTube, the movie Rocky in the end?

Yes, nothing. These are just emotions.

We return to the beginning of this chapter. The brain is a device based on logic functions. Only a logical decision can have a long-term perspective.

It is possible that on the emotions, you immediately after watching a motivating film in your underpants will fly out for a run. Already less likely that you do it in a couple of minutes. Even less likely - go for a run in an hour and the probability of doing it tomorrow morning is negligible ... Emotions will die down and the spontaneous decision made by the brain in the first second will lose its power. And you have to go back to logic again.

The brain asks you: why do we need to do this? Why do we have to get up from the couch, put on a sports uniform, run along these dusty streets. And if it rains too? And if sneakers rub their feet? And if we fall and hit? No, it is obvious that we should stay at home.

And so what?

Of course not. If in our life we ​​were based only on logical conclusions, we would not have gone far. I mean moments where the number of logical arguments “against” (the same jogging) exceeds the number of weighty arguments “for” - this does not mean that we should give up.

In this case, we have willpower. Willpower is a trump weighty argument in favor of Must! Argument It is necessary! can work in conjunction with the supplement Because. Or it can be an independent unit.

For example: I do not want to get up at 6 am - It is necessary! If you don't get up, you will be late for work / study ... ... you will be fired / expelled ... ... you will not find a new place of work / study, you will stay on the street, you will go along a curved path ...

Simply and easily.

And how I need it! will help start running in the morning? Why is it that one word will force me to get up half an hour earlier tomorrow and run 5 kilometers along a still sleeping area. The answer is no way!

To Need! worked, you need to implement this argument in your life in small portions, to perform every day in a small step. If today you finally decided (logically answered the question Why), what do you need! to run in the mornings, then in the following days it is necessary:

  • Day 1 - get up 5 minutes earlier than usual
  • Day 2 - get up 10 minutes earlier than usual
  • Day 3 - get up 15 minutes earlier than usual
  • Day 4 - get up 20 minutes earlier than usual
  • Day 5 - get up 25 minutes earlier than usual
  • Day 6 - get up 30 minutes earlier than usual

Wow, here is the time for jogging. We go further:

  • Day 7 - get up 30 minutes earlier than usual and wear a sports uniform (it should be prepared in the evening)
  • Day 8 - get up 30 minutes earlier than usual and go outside (yes, you are ready to take a breath of fresh air)
  • Day 9 - usually get up 30 minutes earlier, put on a sports uniform, go outside and walk in a step of 100-200 meters (300 are possible)
  • Day 10 - usually get up 30 minutes earlier, put on a sports uniform, go outside and run at a calm pace the same 100-200 meters (300 are possible)

That is, it turns out that on the first day you need! just getting up 5 minutes earlier is easy. Then on the 10th you will run!

Who said that you have to run the cross tomorrow? Who said that if you go to your goal in small steps, it will lose its value? No one.


All you have to do is simply steadily make one small step each day. The ability to regularly speak to oneself and taking even the smallest steps is called self-discipline.

Now, before giving up, before giving up on new ideas and undertakings, first think calmly.

Determine, Why? you need it, what is your motivation?
Strengthen logical reasoning with a trump It’s necessary!
Show self-discipline, carrying out on small step It is necessary! everyday.

The results are not long in coming. Do not complicate the life with eternal searches and abstruse terminology. By regularly applying simple things, you can achieve truly high victories!

P.S .: If you are still with me - please vote for this post, subscribe to my account and be happy!

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