Chocolate and Dry Martini are more fun, than …

Are you a coach, consultant, therapist or are you on the other side and use such a service? Whether one or the other or both, they have one thing in common: the expectation. When we are looking for someone to help us, we usually expect relief, new possibilities or even – tadaaaa – the perfect solution. And as a coach, I often perceive these expectations. That’s not always easy to deal with. What I think about the ‘perfect solution’? I’m gonna tell you…

The silver platter

To say it point-blank: I don’t have a magic wand to solve all your problems or to hand you THE solution on a silver platter. Because you are the only one who knows your answers. I can only eliminate the disturbing factors and be a compass to you to connect with your inner wisdom again. We are all here to live and experience this life. Our experiences are the reason we find ourselves in this dualistic world in which we pay so much attention to our ego. As a result, we become entangled in beliefs and conclusions. We forget about the connection to our natural wisdom and the fact we are all divine beings (this is my point of view).

There is no blue pill to escape the Matrix (or was it the red one?). And there is only one person, who can lead you to consciousness: you! Isn’t that great? You do not have to rely on someone else or hope that someday, somewhere, you'll meet someone who might offer you the solution.

No, it’s in your hands to start here, to start today. Step by step. At your own pace. You may take a break, you may doubt, be angry, sad – and also happy and grateful: This is the game of life!

Play the game of life

And I can only advise you: Play it, because that's what you're here for! Without judging you for the human part, who is often like a little child, who learns, who tumbles over, who cries, but also gets up again. Here, on this planet, being human is your task: accept it, it makes your life much easier. You’ll get rid of your body early enough. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to have fully lived all your talents and experienced all the fun?

According to this motto (unfortunately without reference): “Life should not be a journey with the goal of arriving at our grave attractively and with a well-kept body. We should rather slide sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, our body totally used up and screaming "Wow, what a ride!”

Okay, I'd still recommend to pay attention to your body, but I guess you know what I mean. Live your life to the fullest with a ‘discipline of joy’ and be aware of the disturbing factors in your live. We get entangled over and over again, that's part of the task. But you are not alone and you can ask for contribution in such moments (because that's also part of the game).

Don’t make yourself wrong

Don’t be ashamed for asking for help! I’m sure there are people in your life who love to contribute to you. And there are also professionals who made it their job to support others. As a coach, my job is to remind you to your inner wisdom, an inner compass you can rely on. Sometimes disturbing factors occur and your compass may point its needle to every passing ship, but these moments pass. It’s the rollercoaster of life and – again – you are not alone!

With this in mind, I wish you plenty of fun and indulge yourself from time to time with a Dry Martini ;-)

With ease and joy


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