Reality CHANGES in an ever changing world, the world of TECHNOLOGY!

I will tell you that I have always been fascinated by the world around us, living in the United States of America I have grown up with the true blood of the pursuit of happiness! I love to learn about the things around us such as trends, finance, markets and pretty much everything that involves turning a profit. I guess you could say I was a born business man and over the years I feel my reality has changed in the way I think, as I now know of other ways to generate income other than the typical job and employment factor that we are trained to do from birth.


Now I am from a small country town and learned to live a life of simplicity and settling in which you don't need all the money in the world to be happy, and I understand that, however in my opinion the more money you have the better off you are, in an essence, however it can not truly bring you happiness, you as a person have to do that yourself. But as I have that simple mind I was taught and raised to have, I still have a drive in me thats like cancer to my soul. It pushes me ever so further to which it makes me who I am.


As I came across the internet and everything that it brought with it, I saw that there was so much more to explore rather than the bright colors and options platforms and websites give users. I saw that this is the opportunity to connect with the world and share and respond to information and more importantly for me, show the world who you really are. I love it and will always be a presence wanting to be heard. Please follow me if you feel the same, if your a mouth that refuses to close until you get what you came, the rebels, the crazy ones who DRIVE the world!

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