The Path

Our paths may be different, because we are all unique!  On this path we walk we deal with obstacles that may look different to everyone due to their point of view...their perception vantage point. 

I would love to share with you what I have learnt to help me move beyond my obstacles and using them as stepping stones! 

I have found myself standing at a boulder in the road and wondering(sometimes for days) how I can move it, instead of seeing the beautiful path around the side. 

I have come to many forks in my life and they have always taken me back towards where I am heading.  Yes, some were more difficult and longer than others and then again others have been beautiful, exhilarating, Joyous, loving, peaceful and astounding. 

  Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash  

I have learnt that how to look around me, to notice the ant, flower, friends & family along my path and sometimes  finding a path never traveled before. 

I leave you with a poem(or something similar):

A Path by Aziz Earthchild 

A path to me could lead to anything you see,
A turn left could bring me my dreams,
Right may not be as it seems.
It is but my act to look and see;
Beauty abounding around me,
From giant trees to the tiny bee,
I walk a few steps off the path,
Take my shoes off to feel the grass.
They tickle my feet until I step,
firmly embraced by a colorful bed,
They show a way in yellow and green,
where others before have been,
Shall I walk this unknown road,  
I may run from a scary toad.
Have courage my heart for I do not know
what lies ahead…sand or snow.
Courage to walk, take one step at a time,
I walk the new path as I comfort the child.
Climb a tree, throw a rock and remember to smile,
Yes it is new, yet it is also divine.

With Love 



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