If You Had a Chance to Send Yourself a Message...Working our Mindset...

Hi Steemians!

This post may seem a bit out of the ordinary for me, but I decided to try something new for a change, a mental experiment for all of us.

I usually talk on my blog about setting goals that we want to achieve, and of course this is important, but with that in mind, let's do something a little different but that aims to work every day a little more our Mindset.

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If there were suddenly something that would allow you to send a message back to a younger version of yourself, what would you like to do with it? Think hard about it before you answer.

The reason why I think this issue is important is because in my journey I discovered that people are divided into two groups, those who do not change anything and accept the lessons that life has provided, and who would give themselves all the advantages of winning.

I'm not saying that one is better than the other, not exactly, but the mental experiment allows us to actually find some truths about ourselves.

As I would like this post to be interactive, I would like people to leave in the comments what they would do with this hypothetical machine and let others reverse the more creative responses.

I personally am somewhere in between, there are many things I would like to know when I was younger, but I also do not regret any of my decisions, even those that cost me a lot because I am who I am today because of these choices.

Food for thought, as they say!



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