Change the Word ‘Problem’ to ‘Opportunity’ in Your Mind! - The Fear of Lose is More Powerful Than the Desire to Win! Change It Urgent in Your Mind! - I'll Insist! Buy Steem Now!

Hi, dear friends!

Sometimes I urge you to instantly substitute something in your mind for another thing in order to boost your productivity.

People can’t begin to understand just how important their reaction towards problem is until it’s too late.

Every time you face a dilemma or an incident that requires your attention, it is essential to keep your cool and treat it with care if you wish to get out of the situation better than you entered it.

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This is how the mind works: You face something and you react to it.

Your friend tells you something. You process the thing he just told you. Your mind reacts to it, either with actions or with words.

Our reactions are basically like dominos, one piece moves and the rest of the structure proceeds to fall down.

Sometimes, we are partially in control of the reaction that we give. For instance, when you are angry, you find it difficult to control what you do or what you say.

The reason for this is that a great deal of our mental process happens in the unconscious mind.

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As far as reactions are concerned, many of them begin with thoughts and thoughts are conceived of words.

What is the first word that your subconscious mind thinks of whenever you are facing a terrible situation? The word is often ‘problem’ but it shouldn’t be!

After all, words have their own weight and this particular word does nothing but remind you that you are in trouble and it will be difficult to get out of the terrible situation to once again see the light of day.

Make a conscious mental note to yourself to substitute that word with ‘opportunity’!

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As I have already told you many times, in every problem, there is an opportunity.

A successful person sees opportunities in every circumstance, without thinking of how difficult the current problem might be.

The process of thinking about problems as ‘problems’ is something that happens in your subconsciousness, but if you consciously train your mind to see the opportunities whenever you are faced with a problem, then you will find your way out.

There are two kinds of people; those who deal with a problem, or those who see the opportunities and turn the table around to actually take advantage of that problem!

Make a note to yourself and try to be in the second group!



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Please, take the time to read the text below, it can always change in some points and it is it that has made this community understand and help each other. I would like you to pay close attention to what is written in these notes. Try to really follow what I ask of all of you who are a few months old with me contributing meaningful comments and we have built something really good here along with people who have a positive mindset and we have managed to get more people together like that.

Always read this text of notes because I can making important changes in this text like update names in the list and things to the growth and understanding of how we can improve our foundations and how this community was built until here.

I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, more and more upvotes each others and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem...

***Remember Community: Please, if you commented and upvote on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

You all know the goal! We can reach: More and More Upvotes each others!


I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts.

I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment and thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you.

You will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time.


First of all, I would like to thank all of you, who are the most active and proactive in this community, showing your generosity and always with meaningful comments. From now on I will always make a list of these incredible people who have helped to expand our goal of growing ever more.

But I ask that if you are new around here you read many of the previous posts because they make it clear that we are building a community with respect among all, generosity and this blog is for those who really want to start moving their Mindset to positive and moreover be part of the growth of all of us who contribute to this blog.

Thanks All of You!!!!

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