Ask Not What Steemit/Steem Can do For You; Ask What You Can do For Steemit/Steem - What Are Your Expectations For 2019?

Hi, my fellow Steemians!

I got a ride on JFK's phrase for the title of this post and soon you will understand why.

I believe that many of you should be hung over after celebrating yesterday but I also believe that some of you are doing the opposite of most of the world, are taking advantage of this first day of the year to plan what will be the year that started with a reflection about what you have done over the past year and what you will do without wasting time from tomorrow to have 2019 the year to plant and reap.

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What to Expect in 2019? - What are your expectations for the year 2019? Did You Take Some Time Some Time About What You Did In 2018 Or Just Celebrated What A New Year Started Today?

I waited for to make this post today precisely because it is the first day of the year for those who celebrate according to this calendar, but even if you do not celebrate in this calendar for being part of a country where the culture is different I also wish a Happy New Year with lots of positive energy for all.

I confess that these dates have no importance to me because yesterday the planet earth just completed one more trip around the sun.

Did you ever think that on the second day of 2019 the planet will also do the same thing in relation to the second day of 2018?

This may sound funny but many have never thought about it. For me, the first day of the year serves only as a stopwatch or a compass for me so I can not get lost in time and be able to plan myself better. For me calendars are just for this, for me to plan myself and for me not to lose the notion of which part I am in my planning.

Over the past year we have been able to build a small family here at Steemit and have been able to gather lots of people on this blog that has dedicated a lot to the growth based on reprogramming the Mindset of each of us.

I believe that I have sent a clear message to all of you that growth, whether in any area of ​​your life, spiritual, financial, professional, etc ... is only possible with the reprogramming of your Mindset to a Positive Mindset together with the action.

That's exactly what I want to say to you today: ACTION, MOVEMENT AND DISCIPLINE!

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For those who are reading this blog for the first time I recommend that you read at least 20/30 previous posts to understand that each post was written to interconnect with each other until I get in this one.

The title of this post already says a lot about what I want to see for you today! But today in this post I'm not going to talk about motivation, because I want to believe I've done this daily with everyone here.

In this post I want to talk about putting into practice, in action your plan right now!

If you planted in 2018 you will have your harvest in 2019, but if you did not plant, sorry for the sincerity, but it did not help you yesterday to ask that this year be better because people do not think about it very much, but the celebration of a new year must be celebrated by the achievements from the previous year and not for requests and desires if you have not planted anything the previous year!

I can assure you that nothing spectacular will happen in your life this year if you have not planted anything in the previous year.

But don't worry, if you are one of those people it's never too late to start and learn that to celebrate a good year you should start planting now so you can celebrate in 2020 what you sowed in 2019 and only in this way, you can celebrate that the year was wonderful and that 2020 will be the harvest. When you understand this in your Mindset you just have to repeat it and you only have to ask one thing in celebration of a new year: That you have health to continue planting and harvesting!

Now it's time for action and you can not waste time.

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As I have said in previous posts I am not the owner of the truth, I am just sharing with you my journey of life and giving my best to teach some shortcuts so that you do not miss opportunities and make mistakes in something that I have already done wrong in my journey and if this is captured by you you will not need to make the same mistakes.


We are living in a moment that does not look very good. I know steem is very low in value and many have believed, believed and depend on it as a source of income for their survival.

Believe me, we're at the best time to plant and you can see how hard I've worked on Steem for a wonderful year and I know now is the best time for you to take advantage of that.

Have you heard that famous phrase that is in the crisis that makes money?

If you've heard me too but have you ever made money in the crisis?

If you have not won it's for a few reasons:

1 - You do not understand how.
2 - You are afraid to take the risk and move on!
3 - You keep trying to find excuses.

I apologize for being so clear with my words about it. Finding excuses is a thing of failed people who live procrastinating what they should do every day or they are afraid to make a decision because they do not want to be judged for making a mistake tomorrow.

Life is made up of failures and successes.

Building wealth is no task for weak people, I mean in the mental sense. If your Mindset is not strong enough to do what has to be done you will fail.

I'm going to give sequence in this post in a series of chapters with this title dividing by parts because I have to do this step by step as a plan for all of us and if we follow together we will all be in the same place.

Whether we will be well or not we will all be together. Do you understand? This is a family. I will always be honest with my words, I will never say what you want to hear, I will always tell you what you should listen according to my life experience and not as the owner of the truth. You have free will to go wherever you want, but I am sharing what I am going to do, and if you come with me it will be a pleasure, and if you decide to follow by your own head and ideas I wish the best for you as well.

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People who do what I write below will make a VIP discord or give a coach what to do to multiply their steems step by step according to their reality through Steem Chat.

I'm going to do some of these sessions for you that follow what I'm saying to do and I will not charge anything for that.

First step:

If you believe in Steemit and Steem, this is the best time to accumulate/buy steems because they will go up in price. Today we stand with steem with the price around 0.25 cents.

Listen to me: Buy steems now!

I see many people complaining that they are limited to commenting or giving upvotes. Of course, you do not have enough Steems!

You should try now to buy some steems, I'm not here telling you to do crazy things, but please listen to me! devote effort and buy at least 200 steems, I said the least, not the maximum!

Ideally, you should make an effort to buy 500 steems! I'm talking about just over 100 US Dollars.

Right now! Even if you are in a difficult situation, focus and focus on it and your Mindset will respond to you how to achieve this! Believe me!

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I make a commitment to accompany people who this month buy at least 200 steems and make power up until January 15. I want you to keep this post in your browsers favorite bookmarks of your browsers and I would like every time you buy steems comment on the post marking me. For example: @chbartist I bought 20 more steems. Every steem bought I want you to do this in this post, so it's important you put it in your bookmark because I'll be following this post daily. I want to make it clear that I will only coaching people who buy at least 200 steems and make power UP. This will not be valid for those who already have more than 200 Steems. If you already have 200 Steems for you to have this coach you will have to buy another 300 Steems and complete 500 SP. For those who already have more than 1,000 SP you can leave a comment on the post: @chbartist I already have more than 1000 SP and for this group the guidelines will be other but I recommend that you buy more steems as much as you can!

IMPORTANT: If you are new to Steem and are starting now and will start tracking this blog from now on this is also valid for you. Please read at least 20/30 previous posts to this and then save this in your browser bookmark as I said above.

I ask you please do not try to be "smart" and use tricks and not follow the rules, because I know all of you who have accompanied me here. Also in this blog does not leave space for dishonest or negative people and you who dedicate your efforts and time in this community already know this.

I really don't like to dedicate my time to those who don't have a burning desire for change and who don't want to follow instructions because in my journey I have learned that I do not change people or the world and I can only try to guide them with mine experience if she wants to hear me of course! I can not dedicate my effort to people who do not care about their own time. And do you know why?

I as I said in previous posts I am a meritocrate and I do not mind to spend my time for you to have the same success that I had in my life. I say this with my heart I want to see you all happy and successful.

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But pay attention:

I have a very busy life and I can only do what I am promising to do only between January 16 to January 31, because I start to have many tasks and I do not promise anything that I can not to accomplish. As of February I will not have time for more people, I will have time only for you who in this month will do exactly what I am telling you to do and between January 16 and January 31. I will dedicate myself to give all my directions for you and all the steps I'm going to take.

I think you have already understood that I am talking about a very select VIP group that has been with me here for some time and we have built this family where we have learned to vote each other that leave meaningful comments and this was already incredible for me and I hope that for you too!

Let's start 2019 the way it should be! With Action, Attitude and right now!

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Remember: Failures Peoples always find excuses for not doing what needs to be done. Successful people find solutions in difficult times to do what needs to be done - @chbartist

Today it is common for me to listen to people: But for you it is easy to talk like that because you are a successful person! To be honest it makes me a bit angry but I do not mind listening to this bullshit.

I respond: No friend, I do not say so because I am successful, I am successful because I have always said the same way. @chbartist

Another Thing: For me, the new year is the date we were born because it's on this day that we complete another turn around the sun - Think About!



Text by @chbartist

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