Don't be stupid, how the heck can that work?

It started about October, or there abouts. Three kids living at home, and another elsewhere, plus other close family, all to buy for for Christmas, and literally NO money! Running a mostly seasonal business, income was low, and the pot I'd had put aside, had all dried up. I couldn't sleep, I was irritable, anyone so much as mentioning Christmas, was almost screamed at to shut up. The closer it came, the worse I was getting.
Then I met a new friend. One who opened my eyes to the beauty of mindfulness. This was something that had intrigued me for some time, but something I appeared to be afraid of???
Immediately, I began practicing simple steps to enable me to fall asleep easier, and promote longer, better sleep. Historically, I had never had much more than 6 hours sleep, and frequently much less!
During the day, I actively focused on only the financial requirements for that day, and NOTHING ELSE. Buying only what was needed. In a very short time, I began to accumulate a little extra, thus allowing me to buy a small part of Christmas, here and there.
I also began to think more clearly about the gifts I was buying. Much more thought went into this. I didn't have the money to spend, and therefore less money was wasted simply buying stuff to "make up the numbers"
What can I say? We all had the most fantastic Christmas! Everyone, and I mean everyone, loved every single gift they got.
My kids? Even though I apologised for the spend being less, they told me that they'd had the best Christmas in a long time ❤️
Don't worry about the day that never happens. Live for now. Enjoy what you have. Take beauty and enjoyment out of everything you see and do.
Mindfulness is real, and it truly does work ❤️IMG_20171210_231658.jpg

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