Mindfulness Walking Meditation

Today I took baby Anjel for a hike and did a Mindfulness exercise called Walking Meditation. I add my own spin on it and I thought I would share with you how I clear negative energy and work to step into my high self.

With each step I listen to my breath and notice my body. How deep is my breath? Do I feel stuck anywhere? Any chakras feel off? Any areas that are tight I send energy to and release.

I continue to walk and start to mediate, I usually start in gratitude for the beauty and then I allow the vulnerable emotions to come forth and I sit with them breathing, walking, listening to my breath, observing my emotions, feeling them, thanking them. Releasing negativity with each step out of my foot into the earth to be alchemized. I watch my thoughts and when negativity emerges, I combat it with positive affirmations. I fake it until I make it.

By the end of a hike like this I feel completely rejuvenated and basking in gratitude for the beauty of Mother Earth and Father Sky. I think who lucky I am that my parents moved my here against my will at the time lol as a teenager almost done with freshman year of high school.

No matter what my day throws me, a hike is like a gift where I can reset even if I only have just 20 minutes. I try and take baby boy and @ciontheemrald on a hike at least 4-5 days a week if weather and time permit.

I did not bring my phone so I was not able to track my @actifit steps today. Today I needed to leave my phone in the car and disconnect from electronics. I am a general manager, I have to talk to people all day. Sometimes I just need some space in nature and I am right back to myself again. 💜💕💙

I snapped this in the parking lot in my car and I was pretty impressed with how beautiful it turned out.

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