Mainstream Mind Control


Finding reputable news sources has been a journey for all of us. The satanic demonically possessed intelligence agencies and their master's have completely infiltrated all areas of the human domain. From the spiritual, medical, school systems, food systems, governmental systems, culture, and society as a whole, as well as everyday family life. The news is part of our culture and as believer's in the true God we want to keep abreast of current events not to fear monger or hate monger. But so that we do not perish and die for lack of knowledge of this world and the demonic kingdom within it and vision of how to move forward in our lives so that we can actually begin to live a decent and happy life.

We have to know exactly what is going on in this world including the fact that misinfo and disinfo exists and has always existed as long as we've been living. I have found during this journey of quite a few years that being deceived about yourself and your position in God is the primary motivating factor. These demon possessed people want to deceive you about your position and about God and about the spiritual world. They want to keep you disconnected, distracted, and on disinformation overload. All so that you will not be able to grow in your discernment. Little do they know that God is more powerful that their lies. Truth is more powerful than lies and the truth will always come out.

If these devil worshipers manage to deceive you about yourself and your position in Christ then they can deceive you about any other thing. Deception is part of mind control and deception is mind control. Mind control is fear. Break fear and you break mind control. Fear of not having money. Fear of dying. Fear of something bad happening to you. Etc., Etc., Fear of world war. Fear of nukes. Fear of government. Fear of devils. Fear of the spiritual world. Fear of being hurt. Fear of failure. You know what you are afraid of.


People will wake up to the contrived and fake nature of this reality. Whether they wake up after they die and leave this realm or before is another matter. But everyone will know exactly what the truth is eventually. Its all pre-planned and set up to be this way. Its very hard to wake some one up to this truth if they don't know the truth about who they are in God. It starts there. It must start there. The new agers bless their hearts but they are wrong so are the wiccans, white witches, spiritist, and people who depend on the energies and the spirit guides. They don't understand they are practicing the religion that the new world order wants them to practice. These people have good intentions but they don't understand that the same energy that powers dark witchcraft and black magic is the same energy that wiccans and white magic people depend on. But it is so hard for them to see this. Its hard because they don't want to depend upon the real God. They want to depend upon lesser spiritual beings for help guidance prosperity good fortune etc.,

Why do they lean on lesser spirits and weaker energies? Why not go to the Spirit that is Almighty and the energy that is all powerful? Lesser spirits never make you confront yourself. God does. Lesser spirits don't know everything about you. God does. Lesser spirits make mistakes. God does not. This is a big one that the "good" magic and "good" witches, and "good" spiritualists HATE to be told. They HATE IT. They don't want to hear that their magic their powers their energies are not all powerful and make mistakes all the time. They never want to hear that. But its true because the powers on which they depend is an evil spirit or a group of evil spirits there. They don't want to be told that their energy is weak their power is weak they are weak.

They go to the witchcraft and this mysticism for one major reason. POWER. They want power, they want mystical power, they want to feel strong, they want to feel in the know, they want to feel spiritual. Whether they are obsessed with ascending and evolving to a higher plane of consciousness and existence or they are obsessed with communing and connecting with the energies thats all around them. Anything to feel in control. Anything to have that control.

Its fake. Its not real. Because all that is actually occurring is they are getting more and more and more demonized. They don't understand that they have fallen for the trap. They came out of their religions their cultures their poor upbringing a lot of them and they went right into another religion. The devil has a billion flavors of devil worship specifically for you. Tailor made to fit your pain. Theirs a glove for every hand and the devils arrogantly believe they know how to push your buttons. Whether it is the atheistic scientific materialist hard evidence transhumanist singularity upload your brain into a computer live forever in a robot body type, new age ascended master ufo galactics disclosure ascension higher self type, white magic white witchcraft wicca fairy nature gaia earth mother trees rocks grass breathe in the sky one with the earth hopi prophecy native spirit animal type, or any other type and combination of types. These are the three main ones I see where the person is still trying to be a good person but they end up worshiping the devil anyway without even realizing it.

How and why this is devil worship? They're not hailing satan. They're not blood sacrificing. They're not physically hurting anyone. And other such statement reveal the total complete and utter lack of knowledge that leads to their end. The reason that this is devil worship is simple. The devils created this. They created it. They inspired it. Just because you are not sacrificing a baby on halloween does not mean that you aren't worshiping the devil. Devil worship comes in many flavors. Devil worship comes in many degrees. The devil will hand you a worldview and a set of rituals to practice tailor made to suit your pain and the hardships your going through and the moment you start to believe it and then do it the devil snared you in that demonic devil worshiping religion.


All devil worship has these characteristics.

  • The biblical scriptural Jesus Christ is not God
  • Works based eternal life system, a set of steps you have to do so can live forever and either not die or when you die you come back better off or when you die you go to a better place
  • Ritualized lifestyle, the whole life becomes one big long ritual, the same thing is done over and over again creating an habitual lifestyle that revolves around their religion in order to bring happiness wealth love etc.,
The devil is very deceptive and doesn't want you to be humble because the devil knows where humility leads. Not fake demonic humility where you put yourself down all day long but real humility where you know no one is better or worse than you or anyone else. Humility leads to being free from the devil. And all of the devil's fake religions including the ones that don't even feel like a religion or look like a religion. God is not a religion. God is a relationship. There is no set of steps with God. Just like there is no set of steps with your best friend. There is no set of steps with any relationship. You meet someone and you hit it off and there you go. Whether it is a friend, an intimate relationship, or a marriage. You don't approach these people with a set of steps you have to do and they have to do. You shouldn't approach God the same way either. God is a person who has feelings and thoughts and preferences. God is not a set of steps.
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