Like a Terrarium of Mirrors- A Brief Report From Inside of the Sphere of Life

Are We Really Inside of These Meat Spacesuits?

I don’t know if it was my idea, or if I was tricked into this body somehow, or have simply forgotten my purpose here within this device, but having now tested the body, I wanted to give a quick assessment of what I think this organic suit actually is, how it possibly works, and what I think must be it’s general purpose.

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It’s often been frustrating to be operating this organic body, yet having no idea how I got in it, or what I should be doing here while I'm within it.

Here I'd like to outline some of the things that I've noticed about this human body which I'm apparently in, and how it might simply be designed as a conduit for consciousness to enter the physical world instead of just being an organic vehicle with which to live and eat in the world.

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It’s not unusual for me to get excited thinking about one thing or another, but the other day I noticed that the excitement itself was something that could not only be felt physically in my gut, but also was felt moving along my spine and across my shoulders as a sort of electrical film over the skin. The sensation was actually a physical reaction to a mere thought.

Imagine that symbol that is used in medicine, a staff with serpents crawling up it. It was like that.

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This very thought also excited me, because it allowed me to form a more definable model of how our thoughts can affect and change the world around us physically.

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The 16-foot Universe

The world might be only about 16 feet wide! It sounds crazy, I know, but it appears that within this organic suit is an electromagnetic device called a heart, which transmits an intricate electrical field around the body like the many layers of an onion, becoming a sort of lens for consciousness.

This signal is apparently guided and attenuated by the vertebrae of the spine, so that from within this cardio-vertebral transmitter we translate our own geometric projection as the world around us, yet those images are just patterns in the wake of what we ourselves have imagined into the field.

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Like the data pouring from a microwave cell tower, our world is broadcast outward from this organic apparatus that we are operating here.

In this model, everything, everyone that I know, and everyone that I ever met is right here in this 16-foot ball with me and you, and we are all projecting our own interpretation onto the inner walls of the sphere, with our own projection appearing the most real to us individually.

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The Brain, An Antennae?

We are all in here sharing one mind, but we all have individual brains, and these seem to be some sort of antennae, probably originally designed as a sort of communicator so that we could all stay in touch while we’re in here.

Even though using the brain as a communication device may take some practice, I have had some success with it already, but I’ll need some help figuring out how to use that feature.

What in the World I’m Doing In Here

We are consciousness. In order to flow into the physical world, we chose these organic resonators as a conduit so that we can get a true, introspective glimpse at who we are at this time, and these bodies are well suited for the mission.

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As we all project this sphere of data and view it on the mirrored walls here on the interior, the outside surface of the sphere probably looks like the Earth, and it’s covered with tiny souls, all operating tiny little cardio-vertebral projectors just like us, and in a way they are us, looking inward, and seeing themselves both inside, and out there in the stars, reflections all.

And what is outside of that larger sphere? I haven’t figured that out yet, as I’m still observing this one’s elaborate interior. More updates to come.

all pictures above thanks to Pixabay free images

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