7 Powerful Neurolinguistic Programming Tricks to rethink any problem

7 Powerful Neuro-linguistic Programming Tricks to rethink any problem

It is no secret to anyone that maintaining an optimistic attitude towards life helps enormously to personal well-being and to overcome any type of obstacle. The difference between an optimist and a pessimist lies in a simple secret: the optimist is extremely good at what in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) is called reframing (reframing).

While a negative person confronted with a problem says "Why me?", An optimist will say "Well, let's go forward".

An optimist, then has the faculty, without knowing it sometimes, to rethink the problems so that they are easier to deal with. This attitude is what makes these people leaders with attractive personalities and whose ability to achieve what they want, is much more realistic than that of a pessimist who does not want to leave his frame of negative thinking.

The ability to rethink every problem in a positive way is something that anyone can learn. The trick is simply to change the point of view in front of the situation, to see it from a perspective that induces a more productive and healthy response.

Here are 7 ways to rethink any negative situation, in a positive way.

Read them and pay attention to how you feel doing it ...


1. There are no failures, only feedback

The pessimists fear failure. Optimists know that failure does not exist. There is only feedback. Each time they do not achieve something, they learn and find a different way of trying things out. When something does not work out the way it wanted, it works as a suggestion to look for something different.

2.There are no problems, only opportunities to grow.

The pessimists fear problems. Optimists know that these do not exist because they are only tests that must be overcome. The problems are just challenges and opportunities to grow and achieve great things

3. There are no permanent problems, only temporary setbacks

The pessimists consider their setbacks as permanent tragedies. Optimists know that an unfortunate event, such as losing a sale or being short of money, is temporary and therefore they get down to work to change it.

4. Mistakes do not make one

The pessimists take everything personally. When criticized, they become defensive. Optimists see all events as external. An optimist can see a criticism as a point of view that may or may not help him to be better and therefore decides whether to accept it or not.

5. For every problem there is a solution

Easy. The pessimists focus on the problems. The optimists in finding a solution for them. Focusing on the "why" of a problem consumes a lot of emotional energy and leads nowhere. The pessimists ask themselves "How can I do to ...?" And they give themselves to the task of improving their circumstances.

6. I have everything I need to get what I want

Pessimists often blame others when they do not feel well or do not get what they want. They blame circumstances, people, feel that they can not achieve it because they lack one or another thing. Optimists know that there is only responsibility, and therefore they are solely responsible for how they feel, how they think and their results. They know that they have the necessary resources at the moment to face their circumstances and therefore, leverage them to act today and choose where they want to be tomorrow.

7. There are no absolute truths. Solo Interpretations

The pessimists insist that they are right. Optimists know that there is no absolute truth, only interpretation of the truth. Everything can be debatable and therefore accept the ways in which others can see the world and respect them. We all see the world from our own perspectives. What for some is good, for others not and vice versa.

Reflect on these 7 ways to rethink situations. If you decide to adopt them as personal principles, you will quickly realize that your sense of optimism and happiness in the face of life will change for the better.

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