The benefits of nutmeg


Good morning steemit friends
On this morning I saw there was a nutmeg in my house an inspiration for me to menvotingkan it may be useful for us all.

Housewife must know with nutmeg. Nutmeg is one of spices to cook goulash, vegetable, acid and so on, depending on the recipe.

Well, it turns out the nutmeg that has been used as spice cooking has a lot of benefits for health. There are at least 30 Benefits of Nutmeg for Natural Health that we should know. Wow! Very much is not it?

This is not apart from the nutrient content or chemical compounds contained in the nutmeg. What are some chemical substances in the nutmeg? Let us briefly become acquainted with this round fruit, the nutmeg has the Latin name myristica succadewa BL. In Indonesia alone, the first nutmeg was found around the Banda archipelago, Maluku.

Nutrition Fruit Nutmeg

Energy (42 kcal)
Protein (0.3 grams)
Fat (0.2 grams)
Carbohydrates (10.9 grams)
Essential oil
Enzyme lipase
Oleanolate acid
Starch Sugar
Iron (2 milligrams)
Calcium (32 milligrams)
Vitamin A (29 IU)
Vitamin B1 (1 milligram)
Vitamin C (22 milligrams)
Benefits of Nutmeg for Health

Here are 30 Benefits of Nutmeg Fruit for Health that we should all know:

  1. Treating Wind Entrance
    The benefits of the first nutmeg is to overcome the colds. Drinking nutmeg stew, nutmeg is almost equal to the benefits of ginger, nutmeg can warm the body and the stomach is bloated because of cold. It dikeranakan essential oils that exist in the same nutmeg and ginger.

  2. Eliminate Insomnia
    The second benefit is to overcome insomnia or sleep disorders. How to make the potion is: first mix 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 cup fresh milk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon nutmeg and ½ tsp sugar stone. Boil milk until boiling, remove and mix with nutmeg, honey and sugar cubes. Stir, strain and drink while warm.

  3. Adding Appetite
    Nutmeg fruit can also spur our appetite, so if your child or other family members lost his appetite, take advantage of nutmeg, the content of lipase enzyme in nutmeg is useful to increase or increase appetite.

  4. Digestion
    In addition to increasing appetite, lipase enzyme makes food easy to digest. No wonder if the consumption of nutmeg before a large meal can digestion in the body.

  5. Overcoming Vomiting
    If you are nausea about to vomit or have vomited, use nutmeg to megnatasinya. The nutmeg has a useful antiemetic properties to relieve nausea and vomiting. Suitable for people who are easily intoxicated vehicles.

  6. Eliminate Menstrual Pain
    If you often experience pain when coming months, try to overcome with nutmeg, antiemetic properties on the nutmeg can relieve the pain, the way is very easy, namely:
    Take ½ teaspoon of fine nutmeg,
    2 cm turmeric, 6 coriander grains,
    1 clove and one glass of water.

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