Discussion Virtue and Teleology

Virtues become a necessity in both in my previous career in the military as well as in my current career in entertainment. Let me start with my previous career in the military wearing the uniform came with a lot of responsibilities, and it is a representation in some people's eyes as something prestiges in the United States. Additionally, wearing the uniform meant to some individuals that you are a role model an example of what a stand up citizen should, and can be. Next, in my
entertainment career dealing with music, and acting it is essential to have virtue in entertainment not only it has a significant social influence, but also to a scientific influence in regards to the human brain operating off of wavelengths that has similar frequency as television and radio in which the brain decode messages. Since the brain is an organ that uses electricity that evoke chemical change with stimulation me being in the entertainment industry can affect a person's disposition thus gangsta rap will have people acting certain way likewise listening to Marvin Gaye song called "Mercy Mercy Me" will have people thinking about social conditions plus morals so for me it is essential to be virtues to counteract all the negative images people see an balance if you will. According to some research of the brain by waking times Buck Rogers states,"Gamma (25 Hz to 100 Hz, usually around 40 Hz) – Gamma brain waves were only recently discovered by EEG technology and is still not entirely understood, although, it is
associated with higher mental functioning and attributed with feelings of ‘blessings’ and peak concentration. This state is also associated with information processing, language and the highest levels of mental functioning". Radio waves have been shown to be as low as 3Khz so my music must be virtues, because of the potential impact it has on various people. Back to the military when I was in uniform I noticed when I was off duty still in uniform on my way home some of the civilian population would help people in distress in some cases like the monsoon people get caught in flooding so that's when virtue come into action I knew that the uniform is a
reflection of something bigger than myself and I was representing that so I would
do a virtues duty and help people in the monsoon no matter what I was going through. Additionally, helping people demonstrated that the military requires not only discipline, but a quality amount of virtue. Also, as a jet engine mechanic it is virtuous to have quality work, because the pilot depends on mechanical work to be done right and not only that the equipment is very expensive so keeping error to a zero helps the taxpayers and our country overall to maintain economical resources. Next, Relating to my current music career I like to do hip hop, and reggae so the message I put into my music reflect virtue to bring morality to people's consciousness especially after someone performing degrading music I would come on stage to counteract the negative energy feeding the mind and soul of the people leaving them with things to think

Being noble, righteous, honest, having integrity, and honorable are examples virtues qualities
that is needed in both music, and the military. From my perspective speaking for myself The virtues qualities are needed, because the type of influence being in the military and
doing music have on people's lives consciously and subconsciously the images that is presented people will be internalized by them. In addition, if thoughts or even feeling/emotions produce actions then type of imagery that is consumed will affect a person's behavior thus causing a chain reaction in society as a whole positive or negative such as when people do criminal acts when listening to negative images of the military or music likewise internalizing positive images of both music and military people will do heroic & noble things. If someone doesn't exercise virtues in both military, and in music/entertainment is the relationship to the people and authenticity with inner self because most people not all are pretty much virtues depending on background just my opinion not fact though. Plus, not being virtues will cause society in whole to be in chaos not having virtue will limit promotion, and even in some cases causes to lose out on opportunity in both music and military.


1.) http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/05/15/hacking-consciousness-brain-waves-frequency-entrainment/

2.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_wave

3.) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/virtue

3.) http://abovegroundmagazine.com/columns/pro-logic/10/26/understanding-sound-frequency-a-guide-to-hz-and-khz/


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