“A Sadly Necessary Education About ‘Our’ Military”

this is a re-post of someone else’s blog-post. all “payouts” have been declined!

by: Anna Von Reitz

”…The U.S. Military has been running an occupation of this country since 1863 and operating the government as a military protectorate. I'm sorry, but that is the fact. There's nobody else to blame for the road we've been on and the things we have suffered at the hands of our own military. If it weren't for General Smedley Butler this country would have come to this same brink decades ago. It was only his singular example that restored some degree of order and integrity in the ranks and only because one very good man had the courage to do his actual job and blow the crucial whistle…”

”I know more about the military in sum total, its history, its glories, and its abject failures than any normal civilian will ever know. My Father was in the Eighth Army Air Force in WWII and carried the scars literally and figuratively throughout his tragically foreshortened life. Two of my Uncles, who I grew up with day to day, similarly suffered. One was a radio operator with Patton's Third Army during the Battle of the Bulge if you've got guts enough to hear that story. Another was a pilot involved in the daily dogfights of Europe and later, the Pacific. My husband is a Vietnam Era Vet and suffered all the miseries attendant to that. I myself was a hospital volunteer emptying bedpans and writing letters home. I was a member of the VFW at the age of eighteen. Later I was an ESL instructor helping Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees learn English. Our Godson spent 13 years as a Navy Seal and Recon Marine. My niece was a door gunner in a Blackhawk helicopter in Iraq. I have been a loyal supporter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America for over 25 years and my husband is a Life Member of the AmVets. I have earned my stripes in all the seasons of the year as the daughter, wife, and mother. So don't tell me what to say or do or think about the military, because that is one subject that I know well and which I have a right to speak to…”

read the entire article here!

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