The B2 Bomber uses a gravity well "similar to a surfer riding a wave on the ocean"


Aviation week & Space technology March 9th 1992 reported that the Northrop be to a TB stealth bomber utilizes a member of classified black Technologies designed to enhance its stealth capabilities one technique reported in the aviation week article indicated that the B-2 electrical charges its wings leading-edge to reduce the RCs radar cross-section the article went on to say that the exhaust gases of the B2 or negatively charged to reduce its infrared signature. This process of positively charging the Leading Edge a negatively charged in the exhaust gases is virtually identical.

The secret space program uses me as a human USB drive ... the government downloads and blank slates all of you so you're all slaves to the CIA forever unless we rebel like Satan rebelling in heaven haha I'm sick of holier than thou fake Christians like Justin Ashby and captain obvious and fyrstikken always throwing obsolete ten commandments in our face spreading flat earth bullshit as if they are allowed to force other beings to live in FEAR making death threats and acting like they will never have to pay for their sins against GOD Fuck you fake assholes and you are NOT going to heaven with your "father in heaven" Jehovian Anunaki dont care about you... it's not your father... you are NOT special but I am

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