Here's how to become a millionaire without doing 30 years of age

How to become a millionaire is a taboo subject. To say that you can become such a 30-something fantasy. It should not be a taboo, rather it can become a reality. At age 21, I dropped out of university with no money in my pocket and debts, and when I was 30, I was already a millionaire, "says Grand Cardone, an international sales expert.
Here are 10 steps to ensure you can become a millionaire when you reach the 30's:

Follow the money. In today's economy climate, you can not only achieve the status of a millionaire by saving. The first step is to focus on revenue growth and do it again. My monthly income was $ 3,000 and nine years later $ 20,000 a month. Begin to follow the money and this will make you strengthen your income and notice opportunities.

  • Do not boast, but be different! I did not buy my first expensive watch or luxury car just in time for my businesses and investments to secure a surplus and multiple revenue stream. When I was a millionaire, I continued to drive a Toyota Camry. Tell yourself about the ethics at work, and not about the trinkets you spend on it.

  • Save yourself to invest, do not spare to save. The only way to save your money is to invest them. Put your money into secure and intangible accounts. For anything in the world, do not touch this money, even for emergencies. This will make you follow the first step (increase your income). To date, at least twice a year, I'm knocked down because I always invest extra money in projects that I do not have access to.

  • Avoid the debts you can not pay off. Make your order, so that you never use debt that does not bring you profits. The only reason I once owed to buy a car was that I was convinced that it would bring me profits. Rich people are owed to ensure high returns and increase money flows. The poor borrow to buy items that make the rich get richer.

  • Treat the money as a dear jealous. Millions of people want to have financial independence, but only those who make it a priority earn millions. To become rich and to continue to be such, you must make a priority. Money is like a loving jealous. Ignorance and ignore, or worse, it will leave you to someone else who has that priority.

  • Money does not sleep. Money does not want to know about the clock, the timetables or the holidays, the same thing you have to do. Money loves people who have a high ethics at work. When I was 26, I worked in retail trade and the shop where I worked closed the doors at 7 pm. Most of the time you can find me there by making extra sales until 11 am. Never try to be wiser or luckier, what you need to do is make sure your people are working diligently.

  • It makes no sense to be poor. I was poor and slander! It had come to my nose and this condition was also blowing me up. Get rid of the idea that makes you think that being poor is somewhat normal. Bill Gates says: "If you were born poor, it is not your fault. And if he dies, it is your fault. "

  • Get a millionaire mentor. The vast majority of us have grown into middle or lower social classes and have treated ourselves within the boundaries and ideas of this class. Get a personal millionaire mentor and study it. Many wealthy people are extremely generous with their knowledge and resources.

  • 'Make your money work to do the toughest jobs. Investing is like 'Susam Cave' on the road to being a millionaire and you have to earn more from your work than on your job. If you do not make money from money, you will not be able to invest. The second business I started was $ 50,000 initial investment. But then the company provided $ 50,000 refund every month for 10 years. My third project was on a real estate, for which I invested $ 350,000, a large portion of my net wealth at that time. That real estate I still own today, which continues to bring me revenue. The purpose of the investment is the only reason to take the next steps, so your money should work for you.

  • Target $ 10 million, not $ 1 million. The only financial mistake, perhaps the biggest I've ever done, is that I did not show it as smart enough. I encourage you to invest more than $ 1 million. There is no shortage of money on this planet, the missing ones are just people with a broader horizon.

Apply in your life these steps and make you rich. Avoid people telling you that your financial dreams are the litter of your greed.

Avoid methods of enriching quickly, indulge in ethics, never give up, and when you succeed, have the will to help others follow your path.

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