How to issue the MCD Token?

Milcendo for everybody!

To issue is quite easy, getting it 'out there' is another thing.

All by hand?

Wanted to write about the creation, issuing and spreading of the Milcendo {MCD Token} yesterday, but then I had to pass the Steem Torch through first. After being active for a while on the Splinterlands platform I wanted to try something different. There are so many things to try and experience in the Cryptos realm. So, why not create a Token at Steem-Engine dot com. And it turned out to be quite easy to do. Came up with a name, made a logo and hey presto, all set in done. Only 39 million and then some. Five decimals and the MCD was born. The name for the smallest part also being the name of the Token, Milcendo. Words combined as found in the Esperanto language for 'a Thousand Hundred', freely translated. And what next?

To issue all 39 million MCD is easy to do. Then put them on the market, perhaps. Maybe in a way Block One did with EOS? The first ones to be sold for STEEMP at the Steem-Engine market. When I looked at the market for Milcendo {MCD} this morning there already was an offer to buy a 100 MCD for 0.01 STEEMP. Meaning 1 MCD would be worth about 0.17 USA Dollarcent. Not bad for starters, right? And I could issue a 100 MCD {MilCenDo} myself and sell them. But, that would be way to easy. Though I might consider that Milcendo could be a self-funding Token. One reason good reason being that it is quite a challenge to spread the MCD by hand. It takes a lot of Steem-Connect confirmations. At some point automation might be needed. Or buy more Steem-Engine services. That would cost at least a 1000 ENG to begin with.

Now it feels like I wasted some Steem on Splinterlands, as I am not a gamer at all. It is just that I am interested in technical innovations, especially those connected to blockchains. And I could wait until Smart Media Tokens become a reality, as those will be decentralized, like the Steem blockchain itself. But I already did create the MCD Token and I might as well find ways to use it. And in the meantime I already gave away a bunch of Milcendo to my most loyal upvoters. According to a list on SteemPeak dot com. Now I was able to give something for the amount of votes per account. Where it does not matter to me how much SP {Steem Power} those accounts have.

The link with Steem

In a way that is how I thought the way the Steem Reward Pool should be devided amongst voters. Disconnected from the amount of Steem Power {SP}. That would matter for receiving interest, from that specific pool. And the SP at stake would matter for the amount of interaction an account could have with the Steem blockchain. Where a Power Down {PD} could be done within 5 days. As the Crypto Currency market already does not care about wether some Steem is at stake or not. The only thing that matters is how much there has been issued and what will be the total amount ever. So, staking Steem (with the 'help' of community pressure) for price reasons, well, to me seems a bit odd.

From the start users will know how much MCD there ever will be. One downside being that I set the decimals at 5, but I could change it to 8, or to 3. It is inflation, or deflation, which would cause an effect on the market price. As I see it this should better be locked. Now deflation might be welcome, but I rather would see Steem-Engine dot com change this. Once a decimal amount has been chosen it gets locked for ever. In the meantime I will look for ways to hand out more MCD and maybe use some to sell for funding some Scotbot and Tip functionallity to the use of Milcendo.

And in the meantime watch your Steem-Engine wallet, as you might find some free Milcendo in it...

How to spread the Milcendo love?
Idea, design and logo cc-by-sa licensed by @oaldamster


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