What exactly is a "World Citizen"?

What exactly is a "World Citizen"?

For the purpose of this article my story starts with a Remarkable man from Burma (now Myanmar)


U Thant

Donald Keys, (Diplomat and Official United Nations Representative, World Association of World Federalists a Non-governmental organization) - speech writer for U Thant (U Thant (/ˌuː ˈθɑːnt/), was a Burmese diplomat and the third Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1961 to 1971, the first non-European to hold the position) - in the 60s, coined the phrase Planetary Citizen on the way to creating The New World Alliance.

About Donald Keys:

About U Thant

From Donald Keys circa 1982... "To cross over the threshold and enter into a world of new and exciting promise requires us to fulfill the tasks immediately before us: first, to become aware; second, to accept responsibility for the human situation; third, to acquire skills; and fourth, to act wisely and well, consciously and continuously on behalf of... a better future for humanity."

The drive for transparency provides a compelling opportunity to self-organize as a Planetary Society and to explore a common desire; harmony among people and planet as a goal for planetary citizens. We've reached a time where possibly can become reality. Defining a timeline is less important than education and understanding; making sense common allows better resource management in the shared responsibility, shared benefits and shared values.

Dr. Edgar Dean "Ed" Mitchell

Dr. Edgar Dean "Ed" Mitchell, who was the sixth man to set foot on the moon said:

From Donald Keys circa 1982... "No man I know of has gone to the moon that has not been affected in some way that is similar. It is what I prefer to call instant global consciousness. Each man comes back with a feeling he is no longer only an American citizen; he is a planetary citizen. He doesn't like the way things are and he wants to improve them. It is a universal feeling among the astronauts."

About Dr. Edgar Dean "Ed" Mitchell:

Khigh Dhiegh, PhD.

In 1990 Khigh Dhiegh, PhD., actor, author and theologian recited the world citizenship credo, a planetary citizens pledge in this Clip from One World public access television show , hosted by Bruce 'Zendor' Benefiel

About Khigh Dhiegh, PhD:

Check out Planetary Citizens at: http://www.PlanetaryCitizens.net

Sol Gareth "Garry" Davis

Another Credo by Sol Gareth "Garry" Davis (international peace activist who created the World Passport) reads:

"A World Citizen is a human being who lives intellectually, morally and physically in the present. A World Citizen accepts the dynamic fact that the planetary human community is interdependent and whole, that humankind is essentially one. A World Citizen is a peaceful and peacemaking individual, both in daily life and contacts with others. As a global person, a World Citizen relates directly to humankind and to all fellow humans spontaneously, generously and openly. Mutual trust is basic to his/her lifestyle. Politically, a World Citizen accepts a sanctioning institution of representative government, expressing the general and individual sovereign will in order to establish and maintain a system of just and equitable world law with appropriate legislative, judiciary and enforcement bodies. A World Citizen makes this world a better place to live in harmoniously by studying and respecting the viewpoints of fellow citizens from anywhere in the world."

About Sol Gareth "Garry" Davis:

Like Thomas' Jefferson and Paine before him, Garry Davis was the architect of a whole new system for a people-powered world. It's not called the Plea for Independence, it's the Declaration of Independence. Rather than plead for the old system to reform itself, founder simply declare the new. They create from their imaginations and then actualize it in the real world! And the great thing at the global level is that we don't have to overthrow any old government to create it - since there never was a world government in the past. In the vacuum of world space, we the people have a terrific opportunity to just do it! Visionary? You bet. But don't all great advances start with a vision? Yet Garry is not just a visionary.

In 1954, Garry founded the World Service Authority and invited people to register as World Citizens. Today, there are over a million registered World Citizens from almost every nation on the planet.

Garry developed his world passport into a human-rights tool, a tool of surprising power. 174 Nations - the vast majority have, on occasion, recognized the passport, mostly on a de facto basis by stamping it with visa, entry or exit stamps, but also a few on a de jure basis with official letters of recognition.

Chinese students in Japan used world passports to resist being forced to return home in the wake of Tiananmen Square. In Kuwait, where only the elite are citizens, members of the excluded majority turned to the World Passport for ID and travel papers. Paperless refugees around the world have used the documents issued by Garry's World Service Authority to live, work and obtain a livelihood.

Undocumented travelers wasted away in the hell-hole of Thailand until a priest came in, took pictures, and got everyone World Passports. Since 1960 the passport has emptied the detention center many times.

When Idi Amin ordered British Journalist Dennis Cecil to be put to death by firing squad for criticizing him, human rights groups around the world clamored for his release. Garry's World Court of Human Rights ordered that he be released on June 26, 1975. Amin released him!

Garry took the world mundialization movement to the World Conference of Mayors -- and, to date, more than 1000 cities have declared themselves World Cities including Boston, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Toronto, Hiroshima, Tokyo, Nivelles, and Konigswinter.

Garry walked in and out of embassies, jails, forbidden zones and mighty international assemblies -- never a supplicant, always sovereign.

The Garry Davvis Story

Check out the more information about the film here:

With its call for universal citizenship and global freedom of movement and settlement on the 23rd of May 2014 the 'Organisation Pour Une Citoyenneté Universelle' further tackled the question of migration.

View he full document here:

The Organisation for Universal Citizenship has its roots in the struggle for human rights and specifically the rights of migrants by its three founding organisations. Since 2011, the project has been shared within the framework of the last few World Social Forums, with the OUC being officially created in February 2013.

The "Organisation Pour Une Citoyenneté Universelle's" call for universal citizenship and global freedom of movement and settlement

Visit them here:

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