Short update on the Mighty vaporizer

Hello guys,

Haven't been active at all, as I pulled away from pretty much all of social media. But I still vape weed by the boat load.

My Mighty vaporizer purchased on the 9th of February in 2017, goes through some heavy heavy duty use every day. For any of you wondering: it still goes strong. Though, due to cleaning negligence and probably a bunch of falling damage it doesn't produce the same size clouds as back then (still very nice size though) and the taste is not as great anymore (everything tastes kind of the same, which is still way and way tastier than smoking though). That's all. It goes hard and gets me really high.

Hope this helps you in deciding to buy a high quality vaporizer such as the Mighty. It's an absolute no-brainer choice for a vaporizer, whether for home-use or abroad.

Have a good one!

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