Mie Aceh is a typical Acehnese spicy noodle dish in Indonesia. Thick yellow noodles with sliced ​​beef, mutton or seafood (shrimp and squid) are served in a savory and spicy curry-type soup. Aceh noodles are available in three types, Fried Aceh Noodles (fried and dried), Stir-fried Aceh Noodles (with a little sauce) and Mie Aceh Kuah (soup). It is usually sprinkled with fried onions and served with chips, pieces of red onion, cucumber and lime.
And Honestly, this kind of food is one and only food which I love the most. How could it possible? So try to taste it, and take the joy! Slurp its noodles, slurp its soup and sauce, bite its crunchy chips, and taste the best flavour of it. I recommend this food to you guys and I guarantee that you will love this mie aceh.
Many people here said that the taste of mie Aceh's flavour is different than any other noodles. Its sauce is thick and full of its secret flavour. Each of acehnese must knew its secret recipe because its the one thing which can make mie aceh Has very unique taste.
Once again I remind you guys. Let's try Mie Aceh!!image

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