Incarnation of evil: On the one hand HDZ and SDP, on the other hand Željka Markić and Opus Dei. Can it be worse than that?

Publishing Citizens' Initiatives The nation decides to collect more than 375,000 signatures, as much as it is necessary to call a referendum on its proposals to amend the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, i.e. the electoral legislation that would have to be adjusted to these changes, to popularize the topic of referendum in the Croatian public, which his advocates call "the most democratic decision-making" and "the festival of democracy".

For example, according to currently valid referendum rules, it is necessary to collect ten percent of the electorate of the RC within two weeks, as the current Ministry of Administration led by HDZ Lovro Kuščević calculated 374,740 signatures. At the same time, the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia prescribes that "a referendum decides on the majority of voters who have joined the referendum". In theory and practice, this means that a referendum is valid if only one single voter comes out and that his only vote can change the Constitution if it is a constitutional referendum, such as the one advocating an initiative led by clerical activist Željka Markić.

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