Alpha Omega -Army Of Avatars, Foundation Midas Gold*

article by: Midas Gold Foundation
subject: Army of Avatars / State of Things


Enslavement of the Planet is progressing, faster than anticipated.
Medical Tyranny is the "terrorism" of the day.

We are constantly losing privacy, freedom, liberty, anonymity which are interconnected terms.
They are conditioning people to be "comfortable" with the changes little by little so that many don*t even realize the loss of the rights everyone is born with.
New generations are taught to exist in these dystopian norms that have and are becoming a reality.

What to believe and what to not?

With the proliferation of mobile devices, internet connectedness the world is a different place to what it was before.

As means for actual information is open to us (we can take video for example and upload it online with out restrictions still in many countries), but this correct info is being flooded by their bot-factories
to obfuscate factual events and history.

Do you believe it will stay at this level for ever.

Cencorship and gaslighting by governmental and other evil entities are becoming prevalent and more nuanced due to the emergence of better technological tools. Science, that is beautiful and understanding of Nature, is being used against us.

By what you say online can cause you to get harassed, incarcerated, tortured and not just in the areas of a few countries as it was before.

Anonymity is important for freedom of speech, freedom to have opinions and to be who you want to be and to live as you like.

To hold freedom in this changing technological world, one must become many

and as a whole many become one.


Army of Avatars, encryption, blockchain-tech, vpn... are tools for freedom.

Balance atleast, against the "opinion-factories", where "facts" are being fed and endlessly repeated to the populace. The subjects are chosen by the controlling evil entities with their evil agenda in mind.
So what ever side you are of an opinion you are losing as they have you concentrated on the subject of their choosing.

How long can the situation be left to get worse until no vestige of freedom, liberty is left?

What is once lost - is hard, very hard to regain.

Take care of your family as no-one else will, no government will.

You might be tied to a single physical body but you won*t have to be in fullest...

There will become a day when you will be having conversations online with advanced AI-bots, without being able to or atleast will be having a very hard time to ascertain if they are bots or people.
These AI-bots will be programmed by who knows who and for what agenda will they be trying to infuse into your mind. Massmedia influencing elements on personal level as we*ve already seen happening increasingly.

The ability to cgi-generate indistinguishable from actual high-quality video/audio is upon us.
Holographic "state leaders" are coming. There already are prototypes available.

You shouldn*t relinguish your data to be harvested, abused by corporations working with governments, all orchestrated according to the enslavement agenda.

Midas Gold is about Well-Being, Freedom, AvatarTech to offer tools to achieve and uphold these values that belong to everyone.

Honestly, I thought we had more time...
  • Alpha Omega * Sybil * Foundation Midas Gold *

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