Cloud-based gaming service PlayFab is acquired by Microsoft

Microsoft is trying to get more share in the gaming market and as a part of its efforts they acquired PlayFab. This acquisition of PlayFab will definitely help Microsoft improve their relationship with game developers.

PlayFab is basically a backend platform of services designed for developers to create, launch and grow their cloud-connected games. PlayFab also provides developers the much needed server infrastructure and stability through the cloud. Through this platform, developers can easily solve issues of server plaque on or around launch day. With PlayFab, developers also get detailed analytics of their users, which in turn helps them to monetize their developments in better way.



Cloud-based gaming is not new as millions of individuals gaming across all platforms. PlayFab is already a renowned name for many big developments like 'Idle Miner Tycoon,' 'Angry Birds: Seasons' and 'Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch'. Now the combination of Microsoft's superior resources with PlayFab's deeper knowledge of cloud-based gaming technology will definitely offer developers a better environment for their projects. Overall, it will be a big boost to improve the playing experience of gamers.

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