Fifty Word Story, Theme = Stiches

My entry into @jayna's wonderful Microfiction Contest. Enjoy!


Fred's string company was struggling. Sales were down three consecutive quarters.

He checked in with his counterparts at other string companies. All reported lost revenue. Costs held steady. What was causing people to stop buying string?

He stepped outside the shop, dug his hands in his pockets, and walked down to the café at the end of the street. Surely a cup of coffee and some sunshine would help him figure out the problem.

After a latte and biscuit, he found himself still searching for an answer. He rocked back, in his seat, sighed, and rubbed his eyes.

When he lifted his hands, he saw the culprit. It kept a modest profile, a single door under a brown awning along a simple brick facade. "The Needle Factory" was written on the awning canopy and the door had a quote written on it:

"A stitch in time saves nine."

Fred bunched his fists and prepared to storm the factory. Then an idea popped into his head. It was brilliant. Revolutionary, some might say. He nodded in self-affirmation and walked across the street.

He entered the door, approached a desk clerk, and asked to speak to the owner. After a moment, a small woman approached.

"I'm the owner, Elizabeth. Can I help you?"

Fred smiled and shook her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Elizabeth. Have you ever heard of a sewing kit?"

And with that, a new partnership began.


I hope you enjoyed that! Have a great weekend. Follow me for my next haiku contest, coming soon!

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