Community Economies and the Blockchain

The need for community, local or solidarity economies based on blockchain technology is becoming increasingly urgent, although less obvious, although it is the solution or the way to a just, equitable and harmonious future, the implementation of this new system involves a change of economic and social paradigm, which added to the culture of ignorance and fear, make processes more and more retrograde.

However, the challenge is to bring the possibilities closer and, through teaching, together with objective information, facilitate the adoption of new technologies in micro economies or ecosystems of local economies, which can work even in the most isolated communities.

The purpose of the community or local economies is that the communities have control or real economic autonomy, without intermediaries or external regulators that manipulate the market. It is therefore an empowerment in the economy of people and society, being the blockchain, the technology that revolutionizes and makes possible this change of paradigm.

However, this economic revolution depends on the information coming in a correct, objective way to people, otherwise this technology can turn against facilitating the work of opportunistic and corrupt governments, with greater power and control than they currently have . If people regain control of their economy, governments automatically lose power over them, which is why they use all the tools at their disposal to control and repress the human imagination.

Thus, by means of the adequate instruction of the technological tools based on the blockchain, we propose the exchange of own digital currencies, based on particular local or community enterprises, as well as on their respective products or services. The backing is then, the work, the products and services derived from the time invested in a particular exercise and the means of payment, goes from being the fiat money or paper based on credit, to digital cryptocurrencies based on work or the real wealth of the people or communities.

Our bet is for the people, for the work, for the wealth of the common people, for the right to objective and true information, if there is the opportunity of the rescue, we choose to rescue the people, not for rescuing the banks much less to the bankers. We believe that the only way for human beings to recover the power and security that wealth provides, is with the control of their economy.


Ecoe - ecosystems

It is a web portal that acts as a directory or digital gallery of media, products or services that facilitates the exchange between the digital to the physical between people (producers) and buyers or beneficiaries.

Ecoe: ecosystems is proposed as a beacon between the sea of the blockchain.

How does it work?

A person or community produces a good or a service, in other words undertakes an idea, the result or product that arises from there, is published and promoted in the directory or gallery of products and services of the web ecoe, which works virtual didactic gallery mode and as a link between the virtual and the physical, serving as a bridge between the blockchain (cryptocurrencies), the fiat currency (peso, dollar, yen, euro) and barter (good, service or time), to facilitate the use and use of this technology in daily practice.

What is it for?

The objective is to empower people in their own economy, also to facilitate exchange between producers in a decentralized market that is self-regulated by the law of the market, without intermediaries or "invisible" hands that manipulate the economy.

Competition or Companionship?

For there to be a market there must be a range of products and services that encourage market dynamics, the entrepreneurship of a single individual is sterile, many actors are required to establish an efficient exchange. The change of the paradigm implies the change of concepts, among them the Darwinian concept of competition, together with that of the invisible hand and the selfish act of Adam Smith, in which the ethics and the values of solidarity and companionship are degraded, in favor of fierce competition under the law of the strongest.

Not competition but collaboration, support, companionship, solidarity.


For a more organic world

Manfred Max Neef is a Chilean economist who won the Alternative Nobel Prize in 1983, proposing that the economy should be at the service of life, based on the following fundamental postulates:

  1. The economy is to serve people and not people to serve the economy.
  2. Development has to do with people and life, not with objects.
  3. Growth is not the same as development, and development does not necessarily require growth.
  4. No economy is possible apart from the services provided by ecosystems.
  5. The economy is a subsystem of a larger and finite system that is the biosphere, therefore permanent growth is impossible. on but collaboration, support, companionship, solidarity.

Values principle:

"The inalienable value principle that must support a new economy is that no economic interest, under any circumstance, can be above the reverence for life. If you go through these points you will see that what we have today - in the neoliberal economy - is exactly the opposite. Today we come to the extreme, the beginning of the 21st century, that there are more slaves than there were before the prohibition of slavery in the 19th century. Slaves in serious, not figuratively, of which 60% are children and the rest, mainly, women "(Interview of the DECIDE Foundation)

Paola Caro

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