Ok,I am self obsessed maniac who believes in thyself and that's what bother's to nut cracks who are living in cocoon of illusion around themselves. Do not judge Anything !


In my post on Linkidin I did not put Ok, in beginning so this is added after thought burst. Its my duty towards the readers to know what was well planned in writing and what came as sudden burst of imagination, then only my article will make true justice and bring value as its the ultimate goal of this article , because only by confirming this we are validating the value of what is written, ok now this deep words have made me clear and confuse at the same time...but it has also defined the vision of this article so we have 2 plus points and 1 minus point at this moment. Yes we are winning as a readers ! Now as we have achieved this micro task of winning we have developed enough dopamine in our brains that this will clearly motivate us , yes me towards completing what i am writing and for you to read this article in whole. This will be our statergy for winning and taking best out of this because we all want positive value out of this. Ok just short recap to auto suggest us what we are going to do.

We are going to work on micro-tasks that will create enough dopamine in our brain to boost our confidence that we will start bringing value from our actions to be noted , now this task are micro-tasks, some thing very very similar to what we are doing every moment in our social media engagement. Oh wow mirco-task yes thats the whole take away of this article.

MICRO-TASK creates enough dopamine to motivate us to work on other micro task so that we can then acheive the ultimate goal or reach the milestone that we have set.
So are we ending this article here no ways , i want to make this article lengthy and also want to use this as an opportunity to promote my other already written article on obsession , yes why because thats the connecting piece like a lego. so i am sharing a link below and would put a point why we need to be obsessed in what we are doing, the nutshell from that article was to have passion. Bottom line of that article is if we are passionate, we can be obsessed enough to do great things. You can skip the article if you need i am saying this because i value my readers time and want every body to utilise the time for doing micro-tasks with passion for the milestones that we have set for ourself still sharing link below...this is my content marketing trap, do you still think its necessary to read that article, if so click the link below or promise yourself to have micro-tasks for your goals that you will be passionate about completing. Choice is yours :)

Please read the article to boost your passion and be a self-obsessed maniac to achieve your goals. https://steemit.com/passion/@pruthuudeshi/obsession-the-tool-to-recreate-oneself-and-live-life-passionately

Useful tool - https://asana.com
yes please use this task management tool or any other tool available to reach your goals by creating micro-task for yourself which you are obsessed about to create multiple kicks of dopamine to boost your confidence and get yours get trapped into vicious cycle of being self -obsessed maniac to live the life you want to live.
Ok , this must have brought refreshment in your thought process and i am glad that you have reached till this point in this article, thanks for reading my endorsed article. Few years back i read one very awesome book "The Magic of Believing" with new introduction from Nido Quben which was originally written by Claude M. Bristol. I would suggest to read or photo read that book as per your convenience because if we want to be passionate about what we are doing we need to be believe in what we are doing or we must start doing what we are having our faith on. I am sharing the link its a reading fest and i feel somewhere down this book has made me a bit passionate so just simple share.

book link on Amazon .. Thanks for trying my suggestion , hope this brings value to you.

Wow we have cracked half the code of the title Now we have become self obsessed maniac and are in the vicious cycle of doing what we love to do, but now the question arises are we doing it while being well-balanced or is it turning us maniac ..now in both cases we are winning , question is what need to win and how we define success and what are we risking,Well balance life is must but what can be termed as well balance is a self-exploration and a deep subject that i won't touch in this article as to reach a goal we need to focus and shifting focus can bring cognitive switching penalties and it takes us away from our goal so we can see many coders having multiple hours of uninterrupted coding to connect the dot in testing to reach precision in what they are developing. So as a coder we need too design and hack our own life, we need to mind hack it in such a way that we are immune to people who are criticising us in our process. I would not lable any body so i say do not judge anything or anyone we need to experience by being in now , practicing micro task is like practicing like being in now , one more book that i will suggest at this moment is THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle . I would not write anything on this book because i have only photo read the book but got the nutshell that we need to be in present.

This article has turned much bigger then i anticipated it to be as "that's what bother's to nut cracks who are living in cocoon of illusion around themselves."Let them live do not get bother by others perception"
I am not saying to be ignorant by others but we do not need anybody's permission to live the life we want to live we create our life what we are coding to mind hack it, it is upto us like a coder what api or what code is getting integrated to create our awesome end product from coding is upto us we can take suggestions but its us who are writing the code. It can be simple html code or complex javascript or just a edited snippet of embedded integrated api if it works for us it works so we need to put those as micro-task or micro-apps which are connected by various api's and hyperlinked to one another. As we are recreating ourself we will make changes to our plan or add new things in it lets not share our plan in whole to be judged we must communicate and share and even ask for help we must not isolate ourself but at the same time it must be in pieces which are like lego to final product let their be cocoon of illusion in nay sayers it will in turn be a blessings for us to integrate some thing awesome.

I would end my article with plan till end but keep it so open that you can be in constant upgradation of your own self , we need to recreate ourself every moment of our life and micro-task are those lines of codes that will help us achieve it.

Thanks for reading this article hope this brings positive value in your life.

Final note : Do not judge anyone or anything we are in the World of constant change and we are constantly mind hacking ourself towards changing ourself with those micro-tasks.

Let us all have unlimited awesomeness in our life and lets hustle to reach the milestone but also enjoying the journey as journey is as important as destination is.

Salute to all mind hacking geeks out flying their unicorns and dragons.

Let us be blank and live the life we desire.

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