Buying a bug transmitter on Amazon without knowing where it is from? Actually it is not a good idea!

“You know what? I bought this spy bug on Amazon, but now I am not able to make it work!” This is a typical comment submitted on Amazon or Ebay after having recklessly purchased the product in question. Actually we have been saying that for long time: before buying any surveillance devices on the Internet, especially if it comes to niche or very particular device, it is highly recommended to make sure the vendor can provide a pre and post-selling assistance service.

Otherwise you’ll be forced to use a product for which you have only wasted money! After all it is not uncommon to come across careless buyers who regretted their choice, because they have been attracted by supposed functions or rock-bottom price. Let alone when one figures out that some of those companies have no site or forum for asking help. What else to expect?
Why it is important to rely on companies which have been working in surveillance market for years

In these cases the choice of a reliable supplier, who is really experienced in investigation or surveillance, is always the right solution to adopt. In fact only a company which has been dealing with the surveillance market for years can lay claim to a high level of technical know-how. Not to mention the fact that the vendor in question can supposedly offer a pre and post-selling assistance service of respect. That means, in the specific case of environmental bugs, GSM transmitters, digital spy bugs, etc., interfacing with experienced personnel who can grasp the subtle differences between a product and the other so as to adapt them to specific needs of use.

In fact each spy bug has its own peculiarities that, whether not well understood, are likely to undermine any result in your investigation. For example, if your goal is to monitor a room in both audio and video mode, without worrying about distances, then a UMTS bug is your device. Otherwise you might be interested in using a GSM bug to start only audio monitoring from unlimited distance, or even switch to a radio frequency bug equipped with receiver. In this latter case, however, only if you are at right distance to receive signal from the bug as well as if you want to use a really small and easy to hide bug transmitter.

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