Google Now Provides a Big Data View of the Ethereum Blockchain

NewsEthereumTechnology News
Google Now Provides a Big Data View of the Ethereum Blockchain
By Daniel Palmer - 2 hours ago

Internet search giant (and much more) Google has added ethereum to its big data analytics platform BigQuery.

Making the announcement in a blog post on Saturday, the company said that, while an API exists for commonly used functions such as checking transaction status or wallet balances, it's not so easy to access all of the data stored on the ethereum blockchain.

The post continues to say that "perhaps more importantly," the API doesn't allow for viewing blockchain data "in aggregate."

Aiming the new service to provide more of a Big Data window into ethereum, Google said:

"A visualization like this ... is useful for making business decisions, such as prioritizing improvements to the Ethereum architecture itself (is the system running close to capacity and due for an upgrade?) to balance sheet adjustments (how quickly can a wallet be rebalanced?)."

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