Real reasons why good people FAIL : Part 1

There is no doubt that every single one of us has the opportunity and even the responsibility to grow into a skill that we can be best in the world. Every single one of us in genius.

What according to you makes people The best entrepreneurs/The best football player/the best dancers/the best gamers etc..Let me tell you one thing that they are not the most gifted person in the room.
According to me,

They Just Exploit Whatever Talent They Have More Than Their Peers In Their Industry

Now I am gonna tell you the first reason why good people who have amazing talents, who could really own their crafts and can lift the world fail.

Now the first reason is that


Always remember guys No one will believe in you until you believe in yourself

Its ok to be fearful whenever you try something new, whenever you step out of your comfort zone you will feel nervous, doubts and fear of many different kinds but its ok. Just do whatever needs to be done without considering the outcome.
Believe in Yourself

When we leave our comfort zone and enters into the zone of the unknown where comfort lives, we get scared.
The masters are not the ones who do not get scared, They have just practiced walking into their fear and living up to the point where discomfort becomes a comfort.


To solve this problem, I encourage you to do one thing that scares you or brings sweat upon you every single day. Till the fear disappears.
Thank You all for reading my blog again

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I will be back with the second part very soon.

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