Weight loss by Chia Seed

Chia Seed

They are natural tiny black seeds found on Salvia Hispanica plant; it’s just like the mint plant. The plant is native to South America, helping to sustain energy level of the local people and use today as Superfood, particularly as Chia seeds weight loss remedy across the world.images(8).jpg


Chia seeds contain a number of properties which are useful in weight and fat loss. Let us discuss about the important facts on how exactly chia seeds help in losing weight.

It Keeps you full
Consuming highly nutritious chia seeds in the middle of main meals can help you feel full, which would ultimately help you eat less during your meals. When mixed with a liquid, chia seeds convert into a gel, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in your digestive system. This will help you to reduce your food cravings and will also keep you full at the same time.

It Provides energy
Consuming chia seeds provide a boost in energy, which is helpful in a number of ways. You can exercise more and follow your diet meticulously in this manner. More energy levels will help you to exercise more and hence burn more calories and increase your metabolic rate. This will in turn help you to lose weight quickly and effectively.

It has High fibre content
Chia seeds have high fibre content, approximately 10 grams per 2 tablespoons. A high fibre diet is associated with weight loss. When you consume more fibre, the chances are that you can lose weight efficiently. Consuming 2 tablespoons of chia seeds can account to 40% of your daily fibre intake.

It has High protein content
High protein content in chia seeds would help you to build more lean muscle, which burn away the accumulated fat. As we know, a toned body gives out a slimmer look, which would only be possible after building muscles, which would burn out the fat. According to this study, high protein foods also help in reducing 60% night time cravings.

Also Rich in leptin
Along with protein, chia seeds are also helpful in reducing sugar cravings, staying hydrated and improve stamina. Leptin is an essential component present in chia seeds which is helpful in reducing appetite, which would ultimately help you eat less and not exceed the daily caloric intake.

Detox body
We all know by know how detoxification helps in clearing off all the waste from the body and feeling lighter. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants and they help in flushing out all the toxic waste from the body, which helps in debloating and losing weight.


How to use Chia seed

Put 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in water and let it soak sometime (1 hour). Add lemon juice and salt or black salt to enhance its taste and weight loss characteristic. Drink it in the morning to feel fuller and energised.

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