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Do we know this legand ? She is mother teresa. A great example of benevolence , peace amd love . She is noble price winner for peace.

Ethics and morality are always relevant and useful in the world, irrespective of time.

The principles of ethics are based on the eternal laws of human existence without which no human relationship can sustain.

These laws are also called ‘Dharma’ which means ‘the eternal law of the cosmos, inherent in the very nature of things’.

Some examples of the laws of ethics and morality are:

Honesty and integrity
Love and compassion
These laws are so universal that even the criminals and immoral people expects these laws to be used with them.

A burglar was trying to steal from a safe by opening the lock. Just then he saw a sticker on the safe proclaiming: ‘The safe is open. Just move this knob.’

The thief accordingly moved the knob, but it set off a loud alarm. Immediately, the police arrived and arrested the burglar. As he was being taken away, he said weeping, ‘I have now lost all faith in humanity.’[1]

We all expect people to be ethical with us.

We want our beloved and spouse to be faithful to us.
We want our friends and relatives to speak truth with us.
We want justice in the world.
We expect kindness from others when we are wrong.
However, many people still don’t follow the ethical path because they can’t resist the instantaneous gratification that comes by following unethical and immoral ways like,

However, all the immoral activities lead to permanent loss of character & honour; and cause immense suffering in life just as the fast foods and intoxicants spoil the health forever.

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