What is Artificial Intelligence Exactly?

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Artificial is usually intelligence is easily one of the most prevalent themes in all of science fiction. The judgment that the bicycle could show the same straightforward of notification and opinion with a humanistic being has beguiled writers and audiences alike for decades from and all this computer system in two thousand one a space Odyssey. Didn't have to teach. This captivating subgenre of science fiction experienced a diverse range of depictions but because I have the most sick. So just a frequent inclusion of humanoid robots building a robot in pursuit of ideology is a bit like constructing the chassis of the caller before the internal combustion engine was even invented but I guess center but more system is just an easier solution than expecting audiences to get emotionally attached to a few lines of code unless you Joaquin Phoenix of progress but that they can do anything in fresh yonks a few blunt intellectuals such as soothing mosque Sam Harris Stephen Hawking Nick Bostrom to name a few have sonant true interest for the becoming of made instruction as glittering choice across the sphere are race to recall the hundreds of millions of ages of maneuver that first sold that in the human brain and mind many experts have no doubts about machines ability to achieve human level intelligence at some point in the future just as many believe it to be an impossibility and perhaps. it is perhaps we are even comprehensively complex in such a way that we cannot do what nature has done to us then again if random mutations can lead to intelligence how hard can it be in fact even though maneuver had a hell of a head lead bicycle have already surpassed us in some limited domains take to popular board games chess and go to The best human chess and go players in the world have been defeated by artificial intelligence just think about that no human player will ever again become the best that either of these two games no matter how hard you try even if you dedicate your entire life to become the best player you could possibly be it's will have enough.

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Luckily for us there's a lot more today human condition then chests and go but is it then dubious to think that more general talents and abilities could be rendered equally obsolete assuming it's possible. what happens when machines become more competent at performing any and all the physical and mental labor if any I becomes more competent in every regard then what purpose or function would be left for us. The music playing in the background of this video once entirely compose. Here's another example Above the minimum and To stick its own Or some drum and bass It's quite impressive but then take a listen to this.This short and simple composition may sound rather unimpressive in comparison but then consider this sound. He's not a piano this sound itself the wave form itself was created by an a ARP in an effort to make. Minimum and language by writing poems when I in dreams behold the guy fairest shade whose shade in dreams stopped wake the sleeping more the daytime shadow of my love betrayed. You know who would love this nonsensical mess of words studies inexplicably every language that's correct the dead Danes so programs may not be the best example but news articles is a better one machine written content has become so commonplace and so good that you'd like to read a few automated articles without even realizing if you post a video see if you can discern which of these two paragraphs were written by an AI the answer will be in the description. Now this is one of my favorites many if you have like you played around with text to speech engine you input some text and then a voice will read it aloud. Many of you have like you played around with text to speech engines you include some text and then a voice will read it aloud please help. This is Some of them in the budget that the distance a sort of speech.

This is been accomplished by having a voice actor read a long series of sentences and words then you splice the syllables into tiny samples before attempting to stage and more them back together artificial intelligence can't only do this in seconds but can also gain a more innate sounding speech let's taken a harken. The blue lagoon is a nineteen eighty American romance and adventure film directed by Randal Kleiser aspects of the sublime in English poetry and painting seventeen seventy two eighteen fifty aspects of the sublime in English poetry and painting seventeen seventy two eighteen fifty. It can also produce human like gibberish. Sudden it was just a jail is still so much thirteen money sits out of each other affecting decal could eat. so Question let' Sunday and I thought For a break said again that then longhouses upon that which way is it today. So how does it work well as you can imagine it's Complicated. And It's used in analogy Think of a human interest. I'm a big and anything is just an oblivious sack of meat that the case really move sound and The problem. But Peter or Aliens Are on the next Little It's gonna be At all the little. It's about a little You create a simple mathematical model of the human brain and then you feed it a bunch of information this Artificial. Neural network will then attempt to make sense of this information by learning from past mistakes and imitation the result is this natural evolution that no human could ever manually program. And there's really no reason why this on another Level.

Still in any I could also operate at the speed of light as well as improve Upon itself.In sense it could accustom itself how To study New stuff and in deed so would destroy the strait for a man at the counteract I signior't distinguish touching you but the fact that this is even theoretically possible makes me a bit Worried for the future. He said genuine also for It is At the beginning Little But I think a book. Only if and attempting to control even a single person it just isn't believable and elaborating upon that analogy think about the way we treat at its most of us don't have some. Deep hatred for Ants but if they are ever in the way of something that we want to accomplish we could not care less about their existence and even if we didn't care how would we explain to them that they need to move because we want to construct a building or something attempt to explain to the millions of animals living in the jungle the geo political and socio economical reasons for why we continue to destroy their home it's impossible they simply lack the intelligence To Understand. And that is what so many are concerned about that leave would lack the intelligence To keep up. This concern for A. I. has nothing to do with it malevolence it simply a Beer Us losing control. Then there's the issue of sentencing commission which are entirely different still together.

Image Source: https://www.google.com/

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