Validate Others

Hello Steemit Friends & Followers... First of all Thank-you for Being here. Today's topic is "Validate Others" please read it completely and you know no one is perfect so please give your Valuable suggestion for better Improvement.


Most people you meet will not care about how much money you make or what kind of car you drive. Most people will care about how you treat them. If you make them feel heard and validated, that feeling will override anything of supposed importance that money can buy. People value your value of them, and there is no price tag on a friend who truly sees you and loves you for who you are.

You will participate in several different relationships throughout your life. Some will be romantic, some will be familial, and others will be platonic. None of those categories will determine the length, value, or quality of the relationship.


The true worth of the relationship can be determined by how the other person treats you. How do they make you feel? Do you shrink or expand in their presence? Do they see you for who you are and not for who they want you to be? Do they value you? If yes, then, they'll value the relationship they have with you and you'll be able to see it clearly. You won't have to second-guess or question whether they care for you. You'll know by how they treat you.

Thank-you for Giving your Valuable time.
With lots of love - @sam0014
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