5 Facts about Alcoholism

Our society has a weird perception. Suppose you are at a party and someone comes to you and offers you heroine. You'd decline it (probably) and not even talk to that person (again probably). But if someone offers you a drink, you won't reject it, and won't mind talking to that person, right?
We don't realize it, but alcohol isn't as safe as we think.

1. Alcohol is Indirectly Deadly.


According to the statistics 66% of substance abuse are caused due to the consumption of Alcohol. Around 88,000 people die every year in car accidents under alcohol influence. And you know what's more shocking, that deaths caused directly and indirectly because of alcohol are more than deaths caused will all the drugs combined.

2. Alcohol is deadlier to teens


In our teenage years when our hormones are changing, consuming alcohol can give you 2x high. Alcohol affects your senes more in your teenage years. Around 4,000 teens die every year due to alcohol. It's not worth it guys. Research shows that 40% of alcoholics are addicted to alcohol since their teenage.

3. Alcohol Blackouts


Binge drinking is common in people looking for a wild night. They might have a wild night but they won't remember anything about the night next day due to alcohol Blackout. Binge drinking is when a person consumes more than 5 drinks in 2 hours. And in binge drinking, it is common to have alcohol blackouts where you don't remember anything.

4. Women have higher risks


Men and women have different metabolism. Usually, it takes more time to metabolize alcohol in women. This puts them at higher risk of getting side effects of alcohol. Which also means that women get addicted to alcohol easily.

5. Binge drinking can be deadly


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Binge drinking can also be deadly. When you intake a huge amount of alcohol, you are at a high risk of poisoning yourself. Alcohol contains ethanol, which if consumed in heavy amount can depress breathing and can simply kill you.

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