Wonders of science

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We live in an age of Science.Science has changed our outloooks, our dreams and our hopes. It has made our life easy and comfortable. The dreams of yesterday has become the realities of tomorrow. Man has become the master of land, sea and the sky.
Electricity is also another wonder of science. It is serving mankind in various ways. It lights our houses, runs our factories and cooks our food. Vegetables remain fresh for many days . Science has given us the press to spread the news and views.we are able to connect ourself with whole world.They keep us informed of everything that happens in the whole world.
Radio is another wonder of science. We can listen to the speeches of our leaders sitting at home. We can enjoy a running commentary on a match. The songs ofLata and Rafi refresh those who reach home tired.
Television has gone step further. We are able to see the man who is performing an item.. Movies are alao the blessing of Science
We see the actors talking, moving like other living beings .
Telephone is another wonder of science.It has enabled us to talk to our friend in some other country. Travelling has become safe and easy. We can take our brakfast at Delhi ,Lunch in Mumbai and supper at Calcutta. Moreover, Man has been able to reach the moon.
In the sphere of health and hygeine , science has also done blessings. Terrible and dangerous diseases have been overcome by science. It has prolonged the life span of man while plastic surgery can transfer an ugly women into a beautiful queen.X rays detect the deflects in the body of living beings. Science has totally changed the old medical system. Peration can be performed in a painless way. Death rate has gone low.

On the whole , the conclusion of science has taught us to swim like fish in water and travels like birds in air. So, we say that blessing of science is a land of countless miracles and marvels
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