Hii Guyz... As i said i have come before you having my new blog of TODAY i.e.,
#2 of Psychological Attributes

Some domains of Psychological Attributes ....

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Psychological attributes are not linear or undimensional. They are complex and
expressed in terms of dimensions. A line is a mere aggregate of many points .
A point occupies no space . But think of a box . It occupies space . It can be described
only in terms of its three dimensions, i.e. length, width, and height . Similar is the
case with psychological attributes .
They are usually multi-dimensional . If you want to have a complete assessment of
a person, you will need to assess how s/he functions in various domains or areas
such as, cognitive, emotional, social, etc.

We will discuss in this chapter some important attributes that are of interest of
psychologists . These attributes are categorised on the basis of varieties. of tests
used in psychological literature.

  • INTELLIGENCE is global capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and
    use available resources effectively when faced with challenges
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    Intelligence tests
    provides a global measure of a person's general cognitive competence including the
    ability to profit from schooling . Generally, students having low intelligence are not likely
    to do so well in school- related examinations, but their success in life is not associated
    only with their intelligence test scores.

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  • APTITUDE refers to an individual's underlying potential for acquiring skills. Aptitude
    tests are used to predict what an individual will be able to do if given proper environment
    and training. A person with high mechanical aptitude can be trained to be a good writer.

  • INTEREST is an individual's preference for engaging in one or more specific activities
    relative to others
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Assessments of interests of students may help to decide what subject
or courses they can pursue comfortably and with pleasure. Knowledge of interests helps
us in making choices that promote life satisfaction and performance on jobs.

  • PERSONALITY refers to relatively enduring characteristics of a person that make her
    or him distinct from others
    . Personality tests try to assess an individual's unique
    characteristics , e.g. whether one is dominant or submissive,outgoing or withdrawn, moody
    or emotionally stable, etc. Personality assessment helps us to explain an individual's
    behaviour and predict how s/he will behave in future.
  • VALUES are enduring beliefs about an ideal mode of behaviour. A person having a value
    sets a standard for guiding her /his actions in life and also for judging others. In value assessment,
    we try to determine the dominant values of a person (e.g. , politicals, religious, social and economics ).

Assessment Methods

Several methods are used for Psychological assessment.
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  • Psychological Test is an objective and standardised measure of an individual's
    mental and/or behavioural charateristics
    . Objective tests have been developed to measure
    all the dimensions of psychological attributes (e.g., intelligence, aptitude, etc. ) described above .
    These tests are widely used for the purposes of clinical diagnosis, guidance, personnel selection,
    placement, and training .

  • Case Study is an in-depth study of the individual in terms of her/his psychological
    . Case studies are widely used by clinical Psychological psychologists. Case
    analyses of the lives of great people can also be highly illuminating for those willing to learn
    from their life experiences. Case studies are based on data generated by different methods .

  • Self Report is a method in which aperson provides factual information about her/himself
    and/or opinions, beliefs, etc. that s/he holds
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    Such information maybe obtained by using an
    interview schedule or a questionnaire, a psychological test, or a personal diary.

So, guyz...this is all also from my side i hope you also like my this new blog . I hope you will also appreciate it after read about this.

Thanks to You
K PsYcHO...

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