Education Is A Way To Explore

Education should help the students to realize and to explore their latent potentials and to assist them to cope up with the challenges they have to face in every step of their lives. Earlier, the expectations from education were very few and confined, with the art of living. Today, there are many demands and wants of a society which education has to fulfil.
Gone are the beautiful days of education when it was imparted in the lap of nature, in an atmosphere of serenity and tranquillity with the mission of all-round development of a pupil, in particular spiritually. The contemporary education is taught under the umbrellas of stress, strain and constant fear of examinations and tests.

Today’s education has become job-oriented rather than the life-oriented. In a commercial language, it has become a commodity. In an educational market, there are buyers and there are sellers. It has many layers; we have to keep peeling them. As it is aptly said it helps to reach our unlimited wants but fails to fulfil our few needs.
Today’s education is burdened with science, technology, management, software etc. We are fabricating the best engineers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and many other professional personalities but it seems somewhere we are failing to fabricate good and cultured human beings.

Today, we are making children memorize infinitely rather than helping them to imbibe for their life the best virtues of education. At least now we should see that the education should not be confined to four walls of learning with a lot of stress on examinations and tests. We have to soar above these confinements and keep exploring new avenues.

Thereby framing new roadmaps for our present generation and for the posterity in the interest of a knowledge seeker. The greatest words: Education equals a nation’s wealth, human resources and what not? Indeed, today all the crises and conflicts in all the walks of life like economical, social, ethical, political are related with the education and still, we find the solace and remedies for all these impediments merely with education.

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