India aiming to become third largest economy by the year 2030..!!

(Source: Hindustan Times)

The Year was 1947 when India finally became independent of 200 years old Oppression, Exploitation, Cultural degradation of British rule. which converted India from the Richest of all nations having Global trade share of 27% to mere 1%.During the British Raj Worlds wealthiest nation became the poorest even poorer than the African countries.

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(Source:Darrin Qualman)

It was a tough battle which India has faced since then and it took it more than 50 years to finally come to the situation when it can now take off and start claiming his old glory which it deserves.

India remains a complex country with many religion, Beliefs, languages, cultures and democracy. In my opinion, their cant be any country close to managing this level of complexity and still moving forward.

(Source: Quora)

India in the year 2030 is eying the tag if worlds third biggest economy with an expected GDP of 10 Trillion Dollars.

After independence for the next 40 years growth of India was in the range of 2-3% only but after 1991 the things changed and now 7-8 % is average and with Indian government highly focused on growth will take it to the next level very soon.

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(Source: Vision technologies)

Having said that India still holds the worlds largest population of Poor people but the good news is that every year millions of people are coming out of poverty and if the trend continues Milestone of the third biggest economy can be reached even earlier than 2030.

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