Sitting is Smoking ?

Hi Steemian,

Todays world is all tech savy. We all spend much of our time spending infront of electronic gadgets daily.
Well i must say it is an need of an hour. We can not deviate from it due to our professional or our personal need.


Sitting is major role or the most performed activity by human body nowadays. People doing desk job generally sit around 7 hrs to 8 hrs a day. We can add 6 to 7 hrs of sleep even merely it sums up to 80 to 85% of our day time we spend sitting or sleeping. Its an alarm folks as sitting is the forth major contributor effecting human body ahead of obesity.


Sitting is the main cause in recent times for the people for diabetes, cardio vascular disease.Human did not evolved spending so much time sitting so it is adversley affect human body with increase in blood pressure and blood sugar level as well.


** Effects of sitting for so much time : **

  1. It increases chances of high blood pressure.
  2. It increases chances of high sugar level in blood
  3. It risks for diabetes
  4. Increased chances of heart disease.
  5. Less strength in leg muscles due to less activity.
  6. Fat burning level decreases.

So people ** Stand up for your Health **. Get active in your daily life.

Thank you,


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