Amazing Glass Beach, You see before (AF #7)

On this beach, you usually see the last thing on a beach is broken glass. Some places, however, owe their uniqueness to the thoughtlessness of humans. Fort Bragg, California, has a beautiful beach which is usually covered with sea-polished glass that looks like sparkling pebbles. For decades, the local communities dumped their unwanted even cars, goods, besides the sea. While organic material decayed, and metal either rusted or was removed from there, broken glass built up and was tumbled by the waves into smooth lumps.


The beach now is protected by the government, and the iconic glass cannot be removed by visitors.Other places around the world also have a high assembly of sea glass thanks to dumping by people. Ussuri Bay in Siberia has a large number of glassmaking factories which dumped their all waste of glass into the sea. Now, the beach seems the very colorful mix of stones and sea glass.



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