Mexico can be chuffin' cold!

I went to bed at around 11pm last night and woke up wide awake around 6am, and normally I would have smoked a bit of a joint then head back to sleep, due to it being chuffing cold in the morning - but alas, I got no weed :(. Living on the north facing slope, we get zero sun until a couple of hours after the south facing side of the valley gets theirs. Why would anyone buy land not facing south, is beyond me!

This is the warm side up there, and notice where the sun is, still very low!


I'm making a coffee whilst collecting heat under my clothes, it feels something like 7c?


If I'm still here next winter I won't be cold cos I will make a shack, wrap it in plastic or building paper then put a wood burner inside and make it very cosy. December was cold too, and officially January is too! The builder next door has a shack and I will ask if I can move it once he has finished working.. Check it out!


My phone keeps turning off and the battery was full but now it says its not, purely because of the cold! Mental! Hahaha look at my coffee.. Weird..


The park is open today until it closes again monday, and as usual I'm hoping to sell a lot of cider. I've changed my tactics a bit to reduce costs, and from here on out I will only sell cider by the cup or in recycled water bottles, 1 liter or whatever. I need to build up stock with the small 250ml bottles and use these only for the bars and restaurants because I realized that I can't do both as I don't yet have enough money to buy a load of bottles at once.

I don't think I've even shown the product on chain yet or have I?! This are the small bottles I'm referring to, here's the original labels

And the latest final design is much better me thinks!


The sun Getting closer to ground level! Should be here in 90mins from now or so


Yesterday evening I did some more to the compost toilet, I must say its the most cowboy one I've ever done due to lack of material, its being built on the border line of unsafe hahah, but it will be fine when its finished.



Hahah yeh, the steps are funny and totally unsafe for now. I still need to get masonry nails to fix it to the wall and then I can finish it off better. I will just wrap it in plastic and then worry about a roof when the rains start in may ish.

I found a while ago, clear plastic which I was going to use for a micro green house but instead it will be used in the toilet to control the mess (lol) and to act as a chute, you can see here what I mean




I will go tidy up, although I'm really not feeling motervated. I also need to get hold of 16 bricks to make my own rocket oven on my plot as the family next door will soon move in and then they shall be using it full time. I might well be getting them on to Hive too soon but we shall see. They think its quite cool how it works.

Have a great day and keep warm!

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