Touring the Guadalajara Aquarium ~ #fishlife

About a month or so ago, the family and I packed up the Suburban and headed in land to Guadalajara. We stayed on the tolls and made it there in about 5 hours.

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We stayed at a pretty nice, newly built, modern air-bnb condo. It fit our needs, but next time we will probably stay closer to the down town area as there wasn't much to do near us, albeit it was centrally located to the things we wanted to see and do.

Just finished this video which covers our trip to the Guadalajara Aquarium. It was really cool. Probably the best aquarium I've ever been to. If you have the chance to go, I would highly recommend it.

We also hit the GDL zoo as well which was HUGE! I hope to have a video for that made soon as well.

Watch it if ya can. Hope all of you have been well. Be easy :)

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