Mexico City Airport Closure Due to 7.1 Quake (edit updated)

I recently had to cancel my flight and vacation to Acapulco due to Houston being smashed by the hurricane. It's hard to complain when so many were hurting and stranded in the city of Houston.

I canceled my vacation package, and re-scheduled to leave the 22nd. I was happy that I was going to be able to finally get my week exploring Acapulco. Now, in sadness, I will cancel again most likely.

(updated, airport re-opens, maybe I will go after all:

Mexico City just suffered another horrible 7.1 quake, just a few days after the 8.1 quake off the coast. So far over 100 are reported dead, the airport suffered damage, and was evacuated.

As disappointed as I am, I cannot be upset. My thoughts and prayers are with the people there in Mexico. They have had a very rough fall season between hurricane weather and earthquakes. I hope the city and people recover soon.

I hope that all Steemians in Mexico are safe. Prayers to you all.

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