My Problem with the #metoo Campaign

Social media recently got hammered by the #metoo campaign, which was supposed to raise awareness of sexual harassment.

The problem, though, is the fact that sexual harassment was never clearly defined.

So, since the #metoo campaign will be used as a tool to point out "See? This is how common sexual harassment is!" it will create a ton of problems.

You see, for some, sexual harassment is touching; for some, it may be a dirty look, or a pickup line from an undesirable man.

If everything that people subjectively categorize as sexual harassment is deemed sexual harassment, then it skews the numbers, and those numbers can then be used for whatever political goals.

Not to mention the fact that an unspoken truth about sexual harassment is that different men have different rules.

Some men can get away with slapping a woman on the ass at a bar, whereas others can't. For some, that's a sexy act of confidence, for others it's creepy and a form of sexual harassment.

The most low class men can be accused of sexual harassment simply by asking a girl out.

This is due to the fact that women have a built in mechanism to not enjoy the company of low quality men, since when a woman ends up pregnant, she's stuck with the kid, so she has to be picky. This is an evolutionary survival mechanism.

This is all subconscious, so women themselves usually aren't even aware of the double standard, and it's not even really their fault, since they're just programmed that way, but nevertheless it doesn't change the fact that sexual harassment can mean anything, and whenever a term can mean anything, it actually doesn't mean anything.

Such is the case with sexual harassment.

I'm not saying sexual harassment isn't a thing, obviously it is, and invasion of private space against one's will is not acceptable, in my opinion, but I really doubt actual sexual harassment is as common as the campaign made it out to be.

That is, if we are to define sexual harassment as something that involves aggressive physical touch. I don't think verbal harassment should be taken into account; people get verbally abused all the time: on the internet, at work, by customers, drunks at a bar... I don't see a reason to deem one particular form of verbal abuse as worse than the others.

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